What is Laryngitis? What are the Causes?

What is Laryngitis? What are the Causes?

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Larenjit, üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonları gibi viral enfeksiyonlarla sıklıkla birlikte görülebilen bir durumdur. Trakeit, bronşit veya pnömoni gibi bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar da larinks hasarına ve larenjite neden olabilir. Ses tellerinin aşırı zorlanması (bağırma, yüksek sesle konuşma) da hastalığa yol açabilir. Çoğu larenjit vakası geçicidir ancak tekrarlayan veya 3 haftadan uzun süren semptomlar kalıcı hale gelebilir. Kronik larenjitin en yaygın nedenlerinden biri de reflüdür. Diğer nedenler arasında alerjiler, astım ve KOAH ilaçları, tütün/sigara kullanımı, tekrarlayan sinüzit, alkol tüketimi ve soğuk algınlığına neden olan viral enfeksiyonlar yer alır. Semptomlar arasında ses kısıklığı, boğaz ağrısı, öksürme, yutma güçlüğü, ateş, titreme, lenf bezlerinde şişme, boğazda yabancı cisim hissi ve halsizlik bulunur. Çocuklarda larenjit, üst larinks enfeksiyonları nedeniyle nefes darlığına neden olabilir. Teşhis, fizik muayene, tıbbi öykü, kulak burun boğaz muayenesi ve gerektiğinde alerji testi, laringoskopi, fiber optik laringoskopi ve biyopsi içerir. Tedavi, genellikle kendiliğinden iyileşmeyi içerirken, kronik vakalarda antibiyotikler, ödem ve iltihabı azaltıcı ilaçlar, reflü ilaçları ve postnazal damlama ilaçları kullanılabilir. Yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri, sigara ve alkol kullanımından kaçınma, kafein ve baharatlı yiyecek tüketimini azaltma, bol sıvı tüketme ve ortam nemini artırma gibi iyileşmeyi hızlandırabilir.

Laryngitis is a disease caused by inflammation in the larynx or voice box called the larynx, usually caused by bacteria and viruses. Some people have symptoms of this disease due to upper respiratory tract infection. For this reason, there may be an increase in laryngitis cases in the fall and winter seasons when diseases such as flu, colds and colds are common. Symptoms may vary in children and adults.

It can often occur in combination with a viral infection, such as an upper respiratory tract infection. Sore throat and coughing may accompany other symptoms of viral infections.
Bacterial infections of the trachea (tracheitis), bronchi or lungs (pneumonia) can also damage the larynx and cause this condition. Excessive strain on the vocal cords, such as shouting or speaking too loudly, can also cause this disease.
These cases are usually known to be temporary. It can become permanent if it is repeated too many times and the symptoms last longer than 3 weeks. Reflux is among the most common causes of chronic laryngitis. The most common causes of laryngitis are as follows:

It can often occur with a viral infection such as upper respiratory tract inflammation. Sore throat and coughing may accompany other symptoms of viral infections.
Bacterial infections of the trachea (tracheitis), bronchi or lungs (pneumonia) can also damage the larynx and cause this condition. Excessive strain on the vocal cords, such as shouting or speaking too loudly, can also cause this disease.

These cases are usually known to be temporary. It can become permanent if it is repeated too many times and the symptoms last longer than 3 weeks. Reflux is among the most common causes of chronic laryngitis. The most common causes of laryngitis are as follows:

  • Sprays used by people with asthma and COPD
  • Allergy conditions
  • Tobacco and smoking, cigarette smoke
  • Bacterial infections
  • Recurrent sinusitis
  • Viral infections that cause the common cold
  • Consuming alcohol

What are the Symptoms of Laryngitis?

It is mostly caused by a viral infection such as colds, flu and influenza. Symptoms in this case can be equivalent to the symptoms of viral infection. The most common symptom is the appearance of hoarseness in the person. Other symptoms can include sore throat, coughing and difficulty swallowing. Other different symptoms of laryngitis are as follows:

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Increase in temperature (fever)
  • Chills, chills
  • Cough
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Sensation of a different substance in the throat
  • Fatigue and weakness

The symptoms and signs listed above can start suddenly, but can gradually increase and become more severe. Different and severe symptoms can cause different diseases. In these cases, children are more affected and can cause significant problems. Infections in the upper larynx can cause breathing difficulties such as shortness of breath in children. This condition usually affects children between the ages of 2 and 6. Common symptoms in these cases can be listed as follows:

  • High-pitched voice
  • Tilt of the body forward during breathing
  • Involuntary drooling
  • High heat and fever
  • Difficulty swallowing

How is laryngitis diagnosed?

In order to diagnose the disease, the person must be examined. In this case, while examining the patient, the doctor also learns the patient's medical history and may ask some questions about the case. A detailed ear, nose and throat examination is then performed. The throat is examined for any swelling, as well as any discharge or inflammation that may cause a decrease or hoarseness in the voice.

In addition, if it is thought to be due to allergies, the patient is sent for allergy testing. The disease is usually characterized by redness and swelling of the larynx. In some cases, different methods can be used to make a diagnosis. Some of these methods are as follows:

Laryngoscopy: It is used to monitor the movements of the vocal cords and to determine whether there is any difference in the vocal cords. It is the examination of the larynx and vocal cords through the mouth with the use of a thin, optical device.
Fiber optic laryngoscopy: It is when the procedure performed in laryngoscopy is performed with the help of a more flexible tube.
Biopsy: It is the name given to the condition of taking a sample from the tissue area that creates any doubt or suspicion and pathologically examining this sample.

How is laryngitis treated?

In most of these cases, spontaneous recovery can be seen within about a week without the need for treatment. If the disease becomes chronic and the complaints increase, the specialist may recommend some treatment methods and medication supplements to reduce these complaints. Laryngitis treatment methods are as follows:

  • Antibiotics for infections caused by bacteria
  • Medicines to relieve edema formation and inflammation
  • Medicines for reflux that help regulate stomach acid
  • Medicines that benefit the condition of postnasal drip

In addition, some lifestyle changes can also make this process go faster. These are

  • Avoiding smoking and tobacco and staying away from tobacco smoke
  • Stopping alcohol consumption
  • Reducing excessive caffeine intake
  • Not consuming spicy foods
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Humidifying the home environment

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 October 2022
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