What is Influenza (Flu)? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Influenza (Flu)? Symptoms and Treatment

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Grip, ayrıca grip olarak da bilinir, genellikle burun, boğaz ve bronşları, bazı durumlarda ise akciğerleri etkileyen kalıcı bir hastalıktır. Hafif veya şiddetli olabilir. Bununla birlikte, grip bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır; insanları hastalık sırasında oldukça rahatsız eden A, B ve C olmak üzere üç farklı grip virüsü türü vardır. Belirtiler ani öksürük, yüksek ateş, baş ağrısı, kas ve eklem ağrıları, boğaz ağrısı, burun tıkanıklığı, aşırı yorgunluk, bazen ishal, mide bulantısı ve kusmayı içerir. Çoğu hasta 7 gün içinde tedavi olmaksızın iyileşir, ancak bazıları yaşamı tehdit eden komplikasyonlar yaşayabilir. Grip, enfekte kişinin öksürme ve hapşırma yoluyla havaya yayılan parçacıkların solunmasıyla veya yeterince temizlenmemiş ellerle bulaşır. Teşhis, laboratuvar testleri ile konur, ancak belirtiler diğer birçok virüsle de benzerlik gösterebilir. Tedavi antiviral ilaçları içerir ancak bunların semptomların başlamasından iki gün içinde alınması gerekir. Grip aşısı, hastalığı önlemek için altı aylıktan büyük herkese verilir ve özellikle 50 yaş üstü kişiler, hamile kadınlar, kronik hastalığı olanlar ve sağlık çalışanları için önerilir. Gripten korunmanın en iyi yolu aşı olmak, yakın temastan kaçınmak, hasta olduğunuzda evde kalmak, öksürürken veya hapşırıken ağız ve burnu kapatmak ve elleri sık sık yıkamaktır. Aşı, hastalığı tamamen önlemeyebilir, ancak ciddiyetini ve ölüm riskini azaltabilir.

Influenza, called influenza in the medical literature, is a respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. It is a disease that causes epidemics all over the world during the winter season. Due to fever, fatigue and joint pains, people suffering from this disease become unable to do their daily work. This is why it is also called "rag disease".

Influenza, also called flu, is a persistent illness that usually affects the nose, throat and bronchi, and in some cases the lungs. It can be mild or severe. However, influenza is a contagious disease, there are 3 different types of influenza viruses A, B and C, which make people very uneasy at the time of illness.

What are the Symptoms of Influenza (Flu)?

The influenza virus also appears as flu symptoms. Flu symptoms can generally be listed as follows;

  • Sudden cough and high fever
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Pain in the throat
  • Nasal congestion-congestion
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Sometimes diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Often the cough can be severe and last for 15 days or more. Almost all affected people recover within 7 days without any treatment. However, some people may experience life-threatening complications. Individuals with chronic illnesses and young children are also considered in this context.

What are the Causes of Influenza (Flu)?

When there are three types of this disease, it can be said that the virus that most commonly causes influenza infection is the influenza A virus. In addition, influenza B and C viruses usually cause infections in people, while influenza A virus has a wide variety of hosts.

How is Influenza Transmitted?

Influenza is transmitted by inhalation of airborne particles from coughs and sneezes of the infected person by people who are not infected. It can also be transmitted through insufficiently cleaned hands. Therefore, this disease is easily transmitted in crowded environments.

How is influenza diagnosed?

When it comes to this disease, although the disease can be diagnosed, many viruses cause flu-like symptoms. Therefore, a definitive diagnosis can only be made through laboratory tests. Rapid influenza diagnostic tests are often used, which can provide results in half an hour or less. Since this test may give inaccurate results, it must be supported by more precise and sensitive tests performed in specialized laboratories.

How is influenza treated?

In the treatment of influenza, various antiviral drugs are given to people who are sick. These medicines can reduce significant risks and mortality rates. However, they must be taken within two days of the onset of symptoms, as appropriate. Some strains of influenza are resistant to antiviral medicines. In this case, symptomatic supportive treatment is given in addition to antiviral medicines.

What is influenza vaccine and who is it recommended for?

Influenza vaccine is a vaccine given to people in order to prevent the disease. The protection of this vaccine is explained as 6-8 months. This vaccine is administered annually to those aged six months and older. It is recommended for individuals who fall into the risk category and individuals who take care of these individuals. We can list the people to whom the influenza vaccine should be administered first as follows;

  • Children under 4 years of age
  • Individuals over 50 years of age
  • Pregnant women
  • People living in a care home
  • Health workers
  • Those with chronic health problems
  • People with chronic asthma
  • People with cardiovascular disease
  • Those with kidney disease
  • People with liver disease
  • People with blood diseases
  • Those with endocrine diseases
  • People with metabolic diseases
  • People with neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders
  • People with muscle diseases
  • Body mass index higher than 40

We can also list the people who are not given the influenza flu vaccine as follows;

Flu vaccine is not administered to people who have had a significant allergic reaction to any substance in the vaccine, including the protein of the egg, or who have been vaccinated before and then had an allergic reaction.

How Can We Prevent Influenza?

The most important way to fight influenza is to get vaccinated. There are safe and beneficial vaccines and they have been used for more than 60 years. Influenza-type viruses are constantly changing, and the vaccine is more effective when the viruses seen in the vaccine are well matched to the viruses circulating.
Experts recommend getting the vaccine before the onset of influenza until the last day of October. In older people, the vaccine may be less effective in protecting against the illness, but it can reduce the severity, danger and mortality rates. In addition to the vaccine, some precautions should be taken to prevent influenza;

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • When you are sick, reduce contact with other people as much as possible to prevent transmission, and if you have a flu-like illness, stay at home for at least 1 day, except for medical care or personal needs.
  • Cover the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or the inside of the elbow when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue directly into the trash, and disinfect your hands.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • If your hands are not clean, do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose. Do not spread germs further into your body.
  • Keep your personal belongings clean.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 December 2022
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