What is a Skull Base Tumor?

What is a Skull Base Tumor?

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Kafatası tabanı tümörleri, konumlarına ve boyutlarına bağlı olarak baş ağrısı, işitme kaybı, denge kaybı, yüz felci, görme sorunları, burun kanaması, yutma güçlüğü, kas güçsüzlüğü, koordinasyon kaybı, konuşma güçlüğü ve nöbetler gibi çeşitli semptomlara neden olabilir. Tedavi, cerrahi, radyoterapi, kemoterapi veya bunların bir kombinasyonunu içerebilir ve tümörün tipi, boyutu, yeri ve hastanın genel sağlığı dikkate alınarak çok disiplinli bir ekip tarafından belirlenir. Cerrahi, tümörü çıkarmayı veya küçültmeyi amaçlar; radyoterapi, tümör hücrelerini öldürmek için yüksek enerjili ışınlar kullanır; kemoterapi, kanser hücrelerini öldürmek veya büyümelerini durdurmak için ilaçlar kullanır; immünoterapi ise bağışıklık sistemini hedef alarak kanser hücrelerini yok etmeye yardımcı olur. Tedavi sonrası, semptomları hafifletmek ve yaşam kalitesini iyileştirmek için destekleyici bakım, ağrı yönetimi ve diğer tedaviler uygulanabilir. Sonuç, tümörün türüne ve hastanın sağlık durumuna bağlıdır ve ameliyat sonrası takip ve ek tedavi gerekebilir.

A skull base tumor is a type of tumor that develops in the lower part of the skull or at the base of the skull. The skull base is a complex anatomical region that contains many important structures such as the brain, eyes, nose, mouth and throat. Skull base tumors are caused by abnormal growth and proliferation of normal cells of the tissues in this area. These tumors are usually benign (benign) or malignant (malignant).

Depending on the type, size and location of the tumor, treatment may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination. The treatment plan is determined by a team of medical specialists and takes into account the overall health of the patient. Skull base tumors can be serious and require treatment, so specialist advice and follow-up is important.

What are the symptoms of a skull base tumor?

Skull base tumors can cause a variety of symptoms depending on their location and size. Symptoms may also depend on whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Some of the possible symptoms of skull base tumors:

  • Chronic or severe headaches,
  • Hearing loss, usually unilateral,
  • Feeling unstable or dizzy,
  • Facial paralysis
  • Vision loss, double vision and eye pain,
  • Nosebleeds or nasal congestion,
  • Difficulty swallowing,
  • Muscle weakness, loss of coordination, speech difficulties and seizures.

Skull Base Tumor Treatment

Treatment of skull base tumors can vary depending on the type, size, location of the tumor, the patient's general health and other factors. The treatment plan is determined by a multidisciplinary healthcare team and can often include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination. Here are more details on treatment methods for skull base tumors:

Surgical Intervention: Surgical intervention is often used to treat skull base tumors. Surgery is performed to remove or shrink the tumor. If possible, surgeons try to limit damage to surrounding healthy tissues when trying to remove the tumor.

Radiotherapy Radiotherapy uses high-energy beams to kill tumor cells. Radiotherapy for skull base tumors can be used after surgery or when surgical removal of the tumor is not possible. Radiotherapy can also be used to reduce the size of the tumor or relieve symptoms.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth. Chemotherapy for skull base tumors can be used to treat particularly malignant tumors or when other treatment methods have failed.

Immunotherapy: In some cases, immunotherapy can help the immune system target cancer cells. This treatment may be used for some types of skull base tumors.

Symptom Relief: During or after tumor treatment, supportive care, pain management and other treatments may be used to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

Skull Base Tumor Surgery

Skull base tumor surgery involves the surgical removal of a tumor located in the skull base. These operations are complex and are usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgical approach may vary depending on the type and location of the tumor. Surgeons aim to remove the tumor as completely as possible, but complete removal is not always possible.

Following surgery, reconstructive surgery can be used to reorganize the tissues. In the post-operative period, the patient's recovery is monitored and rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy may be required. The outcome of treatment depends on the type of tumor and the patient's health status. Postoperative follow-up and other treatment modalities such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be used if necessary. The experience and expertise of the surgical team is important. The patient's health condition should also be closely monitored.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 November 2023
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