What causes laziness in children?

What causes laziness in children?

Content Summary

Çocuklarda sorumluluk duygusunun gelişmesinde ebeveyn tutumunun büyük rol oynadığı belirtiliyor. Uzmanlara göre, birçok evde yaşanan eğitim sorunlarının başlıca nedeni, ebeveynlerin aşırı korumacı tutumudur. Çocukların yapabileceği işleri ebeveynlerin üstlenmesinin çocuklarda tembelliğe yol açtığı vurgulanıyor. Ödev yapma ve ders çalışma, çocuğun sorumluluk bilinci edinmesinin bir parçasıdır. Ebeveynler, çocuklarına destek olmalı, ancak işleri onların yerine yapmamalı, baskı kurmamalı ve sürekli birlikte çalışarak sorumluluk duygusunun gelişmesini engellememelidir. Çocukların kendi sorumluluklarını almaları teşvik edilmeli, günlük planlama yapmaları ve zaman yönetimini öğrenmeleri için desteklenmelidirler. Ebeveynlerin, çocuğun öğrenme sürecini engellemeden, önce nasıl yapılacağını anlatıp göstermeleri, yapamadığında yardımcı olmaları, ödev yapma veya yapmama konusunda sorumluluğu çocuğa bırakmaları önemlidir.

So how can parents, and therefore children, overcome this crisis that occurs in almost every household? According to experts, the main cause of the crisis is the overprotective attitude of many parents. Reminding that studying is a sense of responsibility, experts say that children become lazy as a result of parents taking on things that children can do.

Parents' attitudes play a major role in the development of a child's sense of responsibility, as they do in many other areas. With the opening of schools, the problem of studying and doing homework will re-enter the agenda of families. Esma Uygun, an Expert Clinical Psychologist from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Polyclinic, points out that parents doing their children's homework or constantly studying together leads to a regression in their sense of responsibility.


"Many parents are overprotective and overprotective, doing things that the child can do themselves and making the child lazy," said Esma Uygun:

"School is the first environment where the child experiences social life and rules; it is a new area where it starts to function independently of parents. Responsibilities have started to come into play. Therefore, studying is a part of responsibility awareness. For this reason, the act of studying should be considered in terms of the sense of responsibility that children acquire from their families. Parental attitudes are of great importance for the child to develop a sense of responsibility.

The child needs the support of parents in order to develop self-discipline. Pressuring or scolding causes the child to withdraw from lessons and school. A sense of accomplishment provides motivation for the child's behavior. It teaches them that they should make an effort first. But while doing this, your tone should not be a repulsive tone such as "you do it yourself, you are a big boy now"."


- Do not hinder the child's learning process by doing things they can do themselves in their daily lives.

-First tell them how to do something, then show them, help them if they can't do it.

- Let the child take responsibility for doing or not doing the homework.

- Create a daily plan to help him/her learn time planning and help him/her adapt to it. Only give reminders when doing this. Never pressurize, but show patience and understanding.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At03 August 2018
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