What are the differences between PCR and Antibody tests?

What are the differences between PCR and Antibody tests?

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PCR ve antikor testleri arasındaki farklar COVID-19 ile ilgili en çok merak edilen konulardan biridir. Antikor testi, daha önce enfeksiyon geçirildiğini gösterir, ancak kişinin şu anda enfekte olup olmadığı hakkında bilgi vermez. Şüphe ve semptomlar varsa PCR testi yapılmalıdır. Sağlık çalışanları gibi bağışıklığı olup olmadığını öğrenmek isteyenler için antikor testi yapılabilir. Pozitif antikor testi ve pozitif PCR testi olan kişiler bulaşıcı olabilir; sadece antikor testi pozitif olanlar ise enfeksiyonu atlattıkları ve bulaşıcı olmadıkları anlamına gelir. Tekrar enfeksiyon geçirme ihtimali çok düşüktür, dünya çapında sadece 4 vaka bildirilmiştir.

One of the most curious topics about coronavirus is the differences between PCR and antibody tests. The society still does not know exactly who and in which cases these tests should be performed. Stating that the antibody test shows the infection that has been overcome and does not give information about whether the individual is currently infected or not, experts point out that PCR test should be performed if there are suspicions and symptoms that the virus is infected.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Dr. Songül Özer made evaluations on the differences between PCR and Antibody Test and in which cases it should be applied to whom.

Antibody test shows overcome infection

Dr. Songül Özer emphasized that antibody tests provide information on whether the disease has been experienced before and do not show whether the microbe is present in the body at that moment, "Therefore, there is no need for those who wonder whether I am sick or not or who have contact with a patient to have an antibody test. Antibodies are only given to those who want to find out whether they have this disease or not. Healthcare workers can be tested for antibodies because if they have had the disease and are immunized, they can work with patients more fearlessly. Immune plasma treatment is given from the blood of people who have had this disease and are immunized. Because they have ready-made antibodies, we take their blood and give it to people who are going through the disease. Therefore, antibody tests can be done for people who wonder whether they have the disease or not."

Can people with a positive antibody test transmit the disease?

Dr. Songül Özer shared the following important information about the results of antibody tests:

"If the m of a person with a positive antibody test is positive in the immunoglobulin test and the PCR test performed simultaneously, that is, if the antigen is also positive, we can say 'There is a microorganism in the body at that moment, it is active, contagious, but the body's defense cells have also been activated'. In this case, it means that the body has started to fight and antibodies have started to form. However, if only g of Immunoglobulin is positive, it means that the person has finished the disease, that is, they are immune and therefore not contagious. When a PCR test is performed on that person, the result will be negative."

Very low chance of recurrence

Dr. Songül Özer said that the most feared thing about the virus is the possibility of getting the same disease again, even if one has been infected with this virus before, "There have been 4 known cases in the world so far. These people were Covid-19 antibody positive, survived and immunized, but had Covid infection again. However, it is not yet known whether they were infected with the same microorganism or a different coronavirus infection. Research is being done on how it happened. Since 4 cases are very few, we can say that the possibility of the same person getting infected again is very low."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At07 July 2020
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