What are sleep attacks?

What are sleep attacks?

Do you suddenly suffer from unbearable sleep attacks during the day when you are at lunch, in a meeting or behind the wheel? These and similar attacks can be a harbinger of a disease.

Experts describe the condition as 'narcolepsy'. The disease, which is caused by the lack of the substance "hypocretin" in the brain, leads to concentration difficulties and memory problems beyond possible accidents.

Neurology Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Kuzu said that narcolepsy is a disease that occurs equally in men and women in their 20s and first manifests itself with increased daytime sleepiness and unbearable sleep attacks.


Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Kuzu pointed out that months or years after the onset of the disease, sleep paralysis, popularly called "nightmare", hallucinations that may occur while falling asleep or waking up from sleep, and falling attacks called "cataplexy" can be added to the picture. Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Kuzu said:

"Most patients also have impaired night sleep. Genetics (familial transmission) plays a very important role in the emergence of narcolepsy. In this disease, it has been found that a substance called hypocretin is missing in our brain. It is known that the dopamine in our brain basically provides the emergence and maintenance of wakefulness."


Stating that the main symptoms of the disease are sleep attacks that usually last less than an hour during the day, Önder Kuzu said, "A temporary refreshment and vitality is felt. These sleep attacks can occur under the most inappropriate conditions such as eating, talking or driving. Difficulty in concentration and memory problems occur due to insufficient wakefulness. In narcolepsy, it is also common to have trouble falling asleep and maintaining sleep."


Stating that laboratory support is used in the diagnosis of narcolepsy along with clinical symptoms, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Kuzu said, "Frequent awakenings and shortened REM latency draw attention in polysomnography. The MSLT Test performed during the day in the sleep laboratory is very valuable in the diagnosis of narcolepsy. In this test, the diagnosis of narcolepsy is supported by the fact that patients fall asleep before 8 minutes and enter the REM phase twice within 15 minutes. In the treatment of the disease, drug therapy, education, behavioral and supportive treatments are applied."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At22 December 2020
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