What are obesity surgeries?

What are obesity surgeries?

Content Summary

Bariatrik ve metabolik cerrahi, obeziteyle mücadelede diyet, egzersiz ve ilaç tedavisi yöntemlerinin yetersiz kaldığı durumlarda uygulanan ve kalıcı kilo kaybı için en çok önerilen yöntemlerden biridir. Bu cerrahi, besin ve metabolizma arasındaki karmaşık ilişkiyi değiştirerek vücudu etkili bir kilo yönetimi için yeniden ayarlamaya yardımcı olur. Mide küçültme ameliyatlarından sonra bir yılda fazla kilonun %50-70'inin kaybedilebileceğini belirten uzmanlar, hastanın 1,5 yıl sonra ideal kilosuna ulaşmasını beklediklerini söylüyor. Ameliyat, yüksek tansiyon, diyabet (Tip 2 Diyabet), kalp hastalıkları, safra taşı, yağlı karaciğer, eklem hastalıkları, reflü, gut-ürik asit artışı ve kanser sıklığında artış gibi birçok sağlık sorununa yol açan obezitenin tedavisinde önemli iyileşme sağlıyor. Ameliyat, %45-68 oranında Tip 2 diyabet, %42-62 oranında hipertansiyon, %41 oranında osteoporoz ve eklem hastalıkları ve %45-76 oranında uyku apnesinde iyileşme sağlıyor. Her hastaya uygulanmamakta olup, hastanın kişisel özelliklerine ve ihtiyaçlarına göre yapılır. Ameliyat öncesinde detaylı bir değerlendirme ve eğitim süreci mevcuttur. 18-60 yaş arası hastalara uygulanmakta olup, BMI 40'ın üzerinde veya metabolik hastalık bulguları bulunan hastalar için değerlendirme yapılır.

Bariatric and metabolic surgery, which is applied in cases where diet, exercise and drug treatment methods are insufficient in the fight against obesity, is one of the most recommended methods for permanent weight loss.

The method, also known as "bariatric surgery", helps reset the body for effective weight management by changing the complex relationship between food and metabolism. Noting that 50-70% of excess weight can be lost in one year after stomach reduction operations, experts say that the patient is expected to reach the ideal weight after 1.5 years.

May 22 is commemorated as European Obesity Day by the World Health Organization in order to raise awareness in the fight against obesity, which threatens the world, and to explain the harms of obesity.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital General Surgery Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA explained the treatment methods in the fight against obesity, which causes many diseases.

Stating that obesity invites many health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes), heart diseases, gallstones, fatty liver, joint diseases, reflux, gout-uric acid increase and increase in cancer frequency, menstrual disorders, increase in stroke-stroke frequency, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "In the treatment of obesity, each patient's condition should be evaluated separately and one or more of diet, physical exercise, drug therapy and surgical treatment methods should be applied together."


Stating that surgical treatment is the only method recommended for permanent weight loss according to the consensus document published by the American Health Association in 2005 in the treatment of obesity, Özer said, "Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery shows significant improvements in obesity-related diseases. It provides 45% to 68% improvement in Type 2 Diabetes, 42% to 62% improvement in hypertension, 41% improvement in osteoporosis and joint diseases, and 45% to 76% improvement in sleep apnea."

Stating that in order for an obese person to lose weight significantly and permanently, the body's weight balance system or metabolic health system must be reconstructed and thus the body must stop storing excess fat, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "The most effective method to date has been surgical intervention. At the same time, it has been observed that obesity-related health problems are solved in 80% of patients."

Stating that Bariatric Surgery provides a large amount of weight loss, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "Compared to lifestyle changes or drug therapy, it provides more than 45% weight loss in the 3-year postoperative period. Looking at the 10-year average weight loss data; While an average of 1 kg weight loss is achieved with other options, the same situation is 20 kg in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery."


Stating that 50% of the excess weight is lost in the first 6 months after stomach reduction operations, and 75% of the excess weight is lost in one year, 50% in the second 6 months, Özer stated that the patient is expected to reach the ideal weight after 1.5 years.

"Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery helps reset the body for effective weight management by changing the complex relationship between food and metabolism," said Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA, "Changing the anatomy of the stomach and/or small intestine with Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, acting on hormonal signals, results in decreased appetite, increased feeling of satiety, accelerated metabolism and healthy eating habits. As a result of these positive changes, the body becomes ready for weight loss and does not enter a new struggle to reach a high reference level again."


Stating that these surgeries are not applied to every patient and that they are performed in line with the patient's personal characteristics and needs, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "The operation is performed after the patient is examined in all aspects and it is determined whether he will benefit from the surgeries. It is determined whether the patient will adapt after surgery. First of all, the patient is given training about the lifestyle after the surgery and the differences he/she will experience in 1.5-2 years after the surgery are explained. After all of these are reviewed and the patient is convinced, the surgery is decided. In order for the surgeries to be successful, detailed consultation is required before the operation. With the surgical infrastructure facilities and multidisciplinary expert staff at NPISTANBUL Hospital, a comprehensive diagnostic process is initiated based on the complaints of our clients. If our experts find it appropriate, the necessary surgical intervention is applied."

Noting that these surgical interventions for the treatment of obesity and diabetes are applied to patients between the ages of 18 and 60, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "Before the surgery, the patient is examined in detail by a team consisting of an internal medicine specialist, psychologist and nutritionist. Body Mass Index (BMI) above 40, and if it is less, the presence of findings of metabolic diseases is the basis for the evaluation. These surgeries, which are not usually performed under the age of 18, can be performed according to the general physical condition of the person in patients over 60 years of age."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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