Violence at a Young Age

Violence at a Young Age

Content Summary

Sakarya'da hamile bir kadını ve 10 aylık bebeğini vahşice öldüren Bilal K. ve Celal K. tutuklandı. Olay, toplumda büyük bir öfkeye yol açtı ve uzmanlar, suçluların empati ve vicdan duygularının gelişmediğini belirtti. Çocukluk çağında görülen şiddet davranışlarının asla hoş görülmemesi gerektiği vurgulandı. Uzman Klinik Psikolog Ahmet Yılmaz, olayı, özellikle ailelerin çocuklarına şiddete başvurarak sorun çözmeyi öğretmesinin ve çocukluk dönemindeki zararlı davranışların göz ardı edilmesinin, büyüklerin intikam alma ve saldırganlık eğilimini pekiştirmesiyle ilişkilendirirken, toplumda Suriyelilere karşı artan önyargının da tehlikeli sonuçlar doğurabileceğini ve suç oranlarındaki artışın Suriyelilerle ilişkilendirilmesinin yanlış olduğunu belirtti. Yılmaz, vicdanlı, öfkesini kontrol edebilen ve dayanıklı bireyler yetiştirmenin önemini vurgulayarak, ailelerin bu konuda eğitilmesi gerektiğini ifade etti.

Bilal K. and Celal K., who brutally killed the pregnant wife and 10-month-old baby of their Syrian friend in Sakarya, were arrested.

11q1qqqqqqqqThe experts, who evaluated the incident that caused outrage in the society, stated that the empathy and conscience feelings of the people who committed such a terrible event were not developed and warned that "Violent behavior, which is usually seen at a young age, should be emphasized and should never be tolerated".

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz stated that the incident in Sakarya caused outrage in the society and said, "We have experienced an event that has frozen the blood of everyone who has listened and read the news for three days and we do not want to believe it. Everyone who read it thought, 'How can a person be so murderous'."

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz made the following evaluations: "It is said in the news that the murdered woman's husband and the perpetrators had an argument beforehand. How can a quarrel turn into such a feeling of revenge and they do this a few days later. When we look at the mental state of people who commit such acts, we see that their feelings of empathy and conscience are not developed. Generally, if the family ignores and tolerates the behaviors that we call small things that are done during childhood in the family, which are harmful to their siblings or friends, these behaviors are rewarded and reinforced."


Yilmaz reminded that recently there have been cases of families raiding a school and beating up another child for fighting with a friend at school, or attacking a teacher for giving a low grade, and said: "Instead of teaching the child to solve the problem in a healthy way, the family teaches the child to solve the problem by taking revenge, attacking and harming. Thus, the person sees it as his/her right to harm others. When we look at the incident in Sakarya, we see that the people who killed were motivated by revenge and intended to settle scores."

Stating that the behaviors and attitudes in the environment have an impact on the child's inclination towards violence, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz said, "If we give a simple example; when the child hits his head on the table at home and cries, we beat the table so that the child will stop crying. We teach the child the message that you are always right, someone else is guilty and you will be relieved if you hurt the one who hurts you. The child continues this learned behavior."

Noting that a prejudice against Syrian citizens has started to form in some segments of society recently and that this may have dangerous consequences, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz said:

"There is a perception that the crime rate has increased with the arrival of Syrians. This is a very dangerous perception because people who do not have empathy and conscience and whose reasoning skills are not developed can be negatively affected by such manipulations. However, research shows that only 1.32 percent of those who commit crimes are Syrians. If we as a society do not focus on the right place, unfortunately, we will see more such news. What needs to be done is to raise individuals who have a conscience and moral development, can control their anger, know their limits and have a high threshold of frustration. Because in the last 10-15 years, families have been raising children with very wrong and faulty family attitudes. For this, families need to be educated and raised awareness."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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