Üsküdar University, Turkey's first thematic university in the field of Behavioral Sciences and Health, will start to provide medical education. Faculty of Medicine was established under Üsküdar University Rectorate.
The "Decision on the Establishment and Closure of Faculties Affiliated to Some Higher Education Institutions" was published in the Official Gazette on March 14, Medical Day. The Faculty of Medicine will start accepting students in the 2019-2020 Academic Year.
With the opening of the Faculty of Medicine, the number of faculties at Üsküdar University increased to 5. Founded on March 3, 2011 under the rectorate of Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan under the İDER (Human Values) Foundation, Üsküdar University provides education to 16 thousand students in four faculties, a vocational school and five institutes with a multidisciplinary expertise in the fields of communication, health sciences, engineering and natural sciences, human and social sciences.
In addition to the faculties of Communication, Health Sciences, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, there are also the Vocational School of Health Services and the Institute of Social Sciences, Science, Health Sciences, Forensic Sciences and Sufi Studies. Üsküdar University provides its students with an academic education as well as research opportunities in its laboratories. Students can benefit from internship and practice opportunities at NPISTANBUL Hospital and NP Etiler and NP Feneryolu Medical Centers, which are application partners.
Üsküdar University has exchange programs with different universities from many countries. Üsküdar University, which has the most ERASMUS agreements in the field of psychology in Turkey, has ERASMUS agreements with many universities and departments in Europe.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine was established
Üsküdar Üniversitesi, Türkiye'nin davranış bilimleri ve sağlık alanında ilk tematik üniversitesi olarak, 14 Mart 2019'da Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan kararla Tıp Fakültesi kurmuş ve 2019-2020 akademik yılında öğrenci kabulüne başlamıştır. Bu yeni fakülteyle birlikte üniversitenin fakülte sayısı beşe yükselmiştir. 2011 yılında kurulan Üsküdar Üniversitesi, iletişim, sağlık bilimleri, mühendislik ve fen bilimleri, beşeri ve sosyal bilimler alanlarında 16.000 öğrenciye eğitim vermekte, NPISTANBUL Hastanesi ve NP tıp merkezlerinde staj imkanı sunmakta ve birçok ülkedeki üniversitelerle Erasmus anlaşmaları yapmaktadır.