Unnecessary antibiotics tire the body

Unnecessary antibiotics tire the body

Emphasizing that unnecessary and unconscious use of antibiotics is an important threat to health, experts draw attention to the damage it causes. Reminding that "It should not be forgotten that antibiotics are chemical molecules", experts say, "Excessive use of antibiotics tires the body much more than we anticipate" and make the analogy of a terrible meteor approaching the world.

On November 18, European Antibiotic Awareness Day, it is aimed to raise awareness about antibiotic resistance and rational antibiotic use, which threaten public health.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu, Head of the Department of Chemical-Biological Engineering at Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, said that between 1940 and 1970, the golden age of antibiotic discovery was experienced and millions of people were prevented from dying due to diseases caused by bacteria.

Stating that the human life span was prolonged in this way and the life span of today's modern human was achieved, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu said, "In fact, the incidence rate of many diseases has decreased so much that it was believed that the microbe had disappeared. But after a while, the bitter picture emerged and it was realized that bacteria were not such easy opponents to defeat. Their weapon is their resistance to drugs. Considering that bacterial species emerged millions of years before the human species, it is not surprising that they have very powerful weapons against us."

Frequent use of antibiotics turns them into poison

Stating that it should not be forgotten that antibiotics can be harmful as well as beneficial, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu said that frequent consumption of antibiotics turns them into poisons and added: "While many antibiotics are antimicrobial, that is, effective against microbes, they also have the potential to be a good anticarcinogen (anti-cancer molecule), a painkiller that relieves headaches, a hypocholesterolemic (anti-cholesterol molecule) drug that can be used against heart disease. This proves that the antibiotics we use can also be drugs that can disrupt our heart health, nervous system and many other body mechanisms. Of course, no one would use a drug for the sake of their health, but the fact that antibiotics are frequently consumed as if they were harmless drugs turns them into poisons rather than drugs."

They even have cancer-causing effects

Pointing out that overuse of antibiotics tires the body much more than we think, Yılancıoğlu said:

"Simply put, your poor liver and kidneys are exhausted to destroy these drugs. Even more, some scientific studies show that antibiotics used in excessive amounts even have cancer-causing effects. So why should we put ourselves, and more importantly our children, at risk by taking antibiotics for every simple sore throat, even though most of the time no treatment is needed? Yes, most of the time no treatment is needed for such illnesses, the reason is that every winter we suffer from flu and similar illnesses, most of which are caused by viruses, and viruses are not killed by antibiotics. If you use antibiotics, you are just putting extra chemicals into your body and you are doing more harm than good, do you ever use lead, mercury or copper for no reason, just because you think it is good for you, even if it is not?"

Antibiotics are chemical molecules and should be used with caution

Emphasizing that antibiotics are also chemical molecules, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu said, "Even if necessary, overuse of antibiotics does not completely destroy bacteria, contrary to popular belief. In every bacterial community, no matter how much you use, there are bacteria that are resistant to that dose, just like we have people among us who can pull airplanes with their mouths. When these remaining bacteria multiply, resistant bacteria emerge. If this bacteria spreads in the next outbreak, unfortunately it will lead to the death of people. For these reasons, you should be extremely careful when using antibiotics. Instead of pressuring your doctor to prescribe antibiotics, you should pressure him/her not to prescribe them when they are not needed. Being a conscious person also requires being a conscious patient, conscious mother, conscious mother and conscious patient relatives. So, will we never use antibiotics? Of course not, we will. However and only when our doctor deems it necessary."

Livestock use is also a significant threat

Drawing attention to the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu said, "It is especially used in poultry farming. It is very dangerous for animal producers to use excessive and unnecessary antibiotics. Antibiotics used in animal husbandry play a major role in the emergence and spread of resistant species. Veterinarians have a job to do here. They should prevent excessive and unnecessary use of antibiotics and raise awareness of producers."

It looks like a scary meteorite

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaan Yılancıoğlu said, "In short, let's not lose our health by using wrong, unnecessary and excessive antibiotics. In fact, let alone our health, I think we will also lose our future at this rate. Like a terrible meteor approaching the earth, antibiotic resistance is one of the most terrible dangers threatening humanity and can lead mankind to extinction, it should not be forgotten."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At22 January 2021
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