The most important cause of the cathedral destruction explained

The most important cause of the cathedral destruction explained

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Notre Dame Katedrali yangını, tarihi binalarda güvenlik sistemlerinin önemini vurgulamıştır. Yangının kazara tadilat çalışmaları sırasında çıkmış olma ihtimalinin araştırıldığı belirtilse de, kasıtlı kundaklama ihtimalinin de göz ardı edilmemesi gerektiği ifade edilmiştir. 850 yıllık yapının tamamen yanması dünya çapında bir kayıptır. Yangın algılama sisteminin yetersiz olduğu ve ilk alarmdan sonra müdahalenin gecikmesinin, yangının büyük hasara yol açmasının en önemli nedeni olduğu belirtilmiştir. Uzmana göre, çok erken yangın algılama (VESDA) sistemleri gibi gelişmiş sistemlerin tarihi binalarda kullanılması ve otomatik sprinkler sistemlerinin kurulması hayati önem taşımaktadır. Sprinkler sisteminin yangını %94 oranında söndürme olasılığı bulunmaktadır.

Early detection system can be installed in historical buildings

The fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most important buildings of Gothic architecture, has once again brought to light the importance of security systems. Stating that this fire is a worldwide loss, experts emphasized the importance of keeping the fire detection systems in the cathedral operational.
Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Department Head Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Rüştü Uçan and Üsküdar University Institute of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Master's Program Lecturer Abdurrahman İnce made important evaluations about the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, one of the most important architectural structures in the world, and the security systems of architectural buildings.

The possibility of intentional burning should not be ignored

"The cause of the fire is not yet clear, it is reported that investigations are continuing in this direction on the possibility that it may have started unintentionally due to renovation and restoration works." Prof. Dr. Rüştü Uçan stated that the possibility of deliberate burning should not be ignored.

"Like the fourth stage of cancer"

"The total burning of this 850-year-old world heritage building is a worldwide loss," said lecturer Abdurrahman İnce,
"It is understood that the interior of the building is wooden. It is understood that the detection system was present but inadequate. The failure to detect the address detected in the first signal at 18:20 is an unacceptable deficiency. If it had been detected, it could have been extinguished at the beginning, when it was small and with very little damage. In the second alarm, the starting address could be detected, but there are 23 minutes in between. In a wooden building fire like this, 23 minutes is 'too late' (like stage four of cancer). This too late detection is the most important reason for the massive destruction of the cathedral fire. In all historical buildings, it is extremely important to keep the systems that will detect fire without delay in working order. Very early detection (VESDA: Very Early Smoke Detection) systems can even be installed in relevant sections such as electrical panel cabinets."

The cathedral building should have had a proper sprinkler system

Abdurrahman Ince, Lecturer at Üsküdar University Institute of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Master's Program, said: "Since the building is wooden, since the fire will form embers in the fire, and also because the huge volume inside, that is, the air size factor is too large, suffocating extinguishing systems cannot be effective, no total extinguishing gas system and suffocation method can be applied in the interior volume of the cathedral with any type of extinguishing gas, including water vapor." and concluded his words as follows:
"If the automatic sprinkler system is designed in accordance with such historical buildings, the fires that will emerge and form embers can be extinguished, of course, there will be some damage to the water, but it will protect it from burning. This cathedral building should have had a proper sprinkler system. If it had, it would have extinguished the fire with 94% success."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 April 2019
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