Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer

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Mide kanseri, sindirim sisteminin en önemli organında çeşitli nedenlerle ortaya çıkabilen ve belirtilerle kendini gösteren bir kanser türüdür. Gastrik kanser olarak da bilinen mide kanseri, mideye yakın diğer organlara yayılma olasılığı yüksektir. Mide duvarı beş katmandan oluşur ve kanser bu katmanlardan herhangi birinde gelişebilir; kanser daha derin katmanlarda yerleştikçe tedavi daha zorlaşır. Erken teşhis zor olabilir çünkü semptomlar, mide hastalıklarının semptomlarıyla karışabilir. Mide kanseri risk faktörleri arasında ileri yaş, erkek cinsiyeti, sigara içme, alkol kullanımı, bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar, diğer mide hastalıkları (örneğin ülser), sağlıksız beslenme alışkanlıkları (fast food, işlenmiş gıdalar), çevresel faktörler, aile öyküsü, mide ameliyatı geçmişi, sinir sistemindeki diğer organlarda tümörler ve yanmış ızgara et tüketimi yer alır. Stres ve kötü alışkanlıklar da mide kanseri riskini artırabilir.

Stomach cancer is a type of cancer that can occur in the most important organ of the digestive system for many reasons and manifests itself with symptoms.

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer is a type of cancer that can be risky and dangerous. Stomach cancer is also called gastric cancer. It is very likely to spread to other organs close to the stomach. The stomach is an organ in the digestive system that connects the esophagus and duodenum. It is hollow and flexible. And it is made up of layers. Generally, stomach cancer can occur in the lining of the stomach, called the mucosa, but it can also occur anywhere in the stomach. The stomach plays a role in the grinding and separation of food after the mouth. But stomach diseases or stomach cancer can prevent these processes. It presents with many symptoms, but they can be confused with the symptoms of stomach diseases, making early diagnosis of stomach cancer difficult.

Stomach cancer has five stages. These stages determine where the cancer is, whether it has spread to other organs and how it affects other organs. The stomach wall consists of five layers. The deeper the layers, the more difficult it is to treat stomach cancer. Symptoms differ according to the layers of stomach cancer. Cancer that occurs in the mucous layer of the stomach may not give symptoms most of the time, and as it progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced.

What are the Causes of Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer can occur for many reasons. It should be known that other stomach diseases can cause stomach cancer when left untreated. Stress causes the body to be badly affected in many ways. It is also an important cause in cancer types. So stress can be a cause of stomach cancer. Bad habits affect the body just like stress, excessive smoking and alcohol use can be the cause of stomach cancer.

What are the Risk Factors for Stomach Cancer?

  • Advanced age
  • Gender (male)
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Alcohol use
  • Bacterial infection
  • Other stomach diseases (ulcer)
  • Diet (fast food consumption, consumption of packaged foods, not consuming foods with high nutritional value)
  • Environmental factors
  • Family history
  • Having stomach surgery
  • Tumors in other organs of the nervous system
  • Consuming burnt grilled meat

It should be known as factors that carry and increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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