Snus is killing you day by day!

Snus is killing you day by day!

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi'nden Yrd. Doç. Dr. Onur Noyan'ın açıklamalarına göre, futbolcu Emre Mor'un kullanımıyla gündeme gelen snus, bağımlılık yapıcı bir tütün ürünüdür. Snus kullanımı, fiziksel belirtilerin yanı sıra konsantrasyon ve düşünme güçlüğüne yol açar, 20-25 paket sigara içmeye eşdeğer bir etkiye sahiptir. Başlangıçta uyanıklık hissi verse de, 3-4 gün sonra yoksunluk belirtileri başlar ve kişi snus olmadan hareket edemez, aşırı yorgunluk hisseder ve sosyalleşmekte zorlanır. Ayrıca ağız, boğaz ve sindirim sisteminde çeşitli kanser türlerine yol açabilir.

Snus finishes the person day by day!

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital explained the snus substance, which is a kind of tobacco and which came to the agenda with the news that famous football player Emre Mor used snus, on ATV Main News...

What is snus, a tobacco product? How does it affect people? What effects does it cause to people?

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan explained:

'Without snus, the person becomes unable to do anything, along with physical symptoms, the person cannot concentrate on anything. He becomes unable to think about anything. They especially start to use it for doping purposes. It has the same effect as smoking 20-25 packs of cigarettes a day. It affects the brain and makes the person more alert, but this lasts for a few days. After 3-4, the feeling of withdrawal begins. When the person becomes unable to move without snus, the person starts to feel extreme fatigue and becomes unable to leave the house. When he/she goes out, he/she may become unable to talk to a person.


Snuz can cause many types of cancer in the mouth, throat and digestive system.'

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At03 August 2018
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