Sevil Atasoy warned: Never leave children alone

Sevil Atasoy warned: Never leave children alone

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy, çocukların asla yalnız bırakılmaması gerektiğini vurgulayarak, her olayda iyi bir otopsi, iyi bir olay yeri incelemesi ve bu kanıtların iyi bir şekilde incelenmesinin gerekliliğinin altını çizdi. Dünya çapında erkek nüfusun %1-5'inin 12 yaşın altındaki çocukları cinsel uyarıcı olarak gören kişiler olduğunu belirterek, bu kişilerin genellikle çocuklara yakın olduklarını ve öğretmen, yurt müdürü, spor antrenörü gibi çocuklara kolayca ulaşabilecekleri mesleklerde çalıştıklarını söyledi. İşverenlerin çocuklarla sık iletişim halinde olan meslek gruplarında çalışanları işe alırken geçmişlerini çok iyi araştırmaları gerektiğini belirterek, minibüs şoföründen kantine kadar herkesin işe alınmaması gerektiği konusunda uyardı. Çocukların ne olursa olsun asla yalnız bırakılmaması gerektiğini, çocukların kolayca kandırılabileceğini ve tanıdık biri tarafından kolayca uzaklaştırılabileceğini belirtti. Çocuklara cinsel istismar konusunda eğitim vermenin yanı sıra, uygulamada da örnek olunması gerektiğini, çocukların kendi vücutlarının kontrolünü ellerinde bulundurmaları gerektiğini ve bunun yalnızca bu şekilde öğretilebileceğini söyledi. Ayrıca, cinsel suçlarda ve çocuklara karşı saldırılarda hedef cinsiyetin önemli olmadığını, her yaş grubundan çocuğun hedef olabileceğini ve Türkiye'de kayıp diğer çocukların da olduğunu, ancak kamuoyunun bunların hepsini bilmediğini ve sosyal medyanın bu konulara dahil olmasının doğru olmadığını vurguladı. Olay yeri incelemesinin önemini belirterek, yalnızca yetkili kişilerin olay yerine girmesi gerektiğini ve izinsiz girilen olay yerinde delillerin tahrip edilebileceğini ya da yeni deliller eklenebileceğini ekledi.

Noting that children should never be left alone, Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy underlined the need for a good autopsy, a good crime scene investigation and a good study of this evidence in every incident.

Sevil Atasoy warned: The attacker may be near the child!

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy said that between 1% and 5% of the male population worldwide are people who see young children, i.e. children under the age of 12, as a sexual stimulus, regardless of whether they are boys or girls. Prof. Dr. Atasoy stated that these people are usually very close to children and said, "It is not possible to understand them, but once we look at where these people work, they work in places where it is easy to reach children. For example, they are a teacher, a director of a dormitory where there are young children, or a coach of a sports team, a swimming coach, or a sun lounger working on the beach. In any case, they choose professions where it is easy to reach children."

Good research should be done before employment

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy stated that the selection of personnel hired in occupational groups where there is a lot of communication with children is important and said, "First of all, we need to keep in mind that when we employ personnel in such professions, we need to investigate the backgrounds of these people very well. Therefore, we should not hire everyone, from minibus drivers to canteen workers," she warned.

Children should never be left alone

Emphasizing that the second important issue is "never to leave children alone", Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy said

"Children should never be left alone, no matter what you do, no matter how secure you are, it is important to keep in mind that children can be directed to a place very easily. It is important to keep in mind that children can easily go to a place where no one is with the excuse that they will show them a bird, insect or dog, and if this person is someone they know or even a relative, they can follow this person much more easily. Children cannot easily resist.

Set an example in practice

No matter how much we teach, for example, "Don't touch the places covered by the swimsuit," or even to the parents, "Don't wash the intimate parts of the child. Let him wash them himself, these are untouchable areas', it is not possible for him to say no to this if he has a close acquaintance. No matter how much you want to teach the child to say no out loud, you need to be an example in practice. Even the mother will not be able to wash the intimate parts of the child from the date the child knows himself. This is the only way to teach the child that no one else should touch them. Because even a mother cannot distinguish, say, an uncle from an uncle, that is, she cannot distinguish relatives. The mother may see that person as a relative."

There are other missing children wanted in Turkey

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy emphasized that in sexual crimes and assaults against children, the target does not matter whether it is a boy or a girl, and that children of any age group can be targeted, "Not only girls but also boys can be targeted. There are other missing children in Turkey who are currently being searched for. The public does not know all of them. Of course they comment on what they know. I don't find this right, there is significant information pollution. I don't find it right for social media to be interested in these issues because this is a very professional job. Every incident in our country needs a good autopsy, a good crime scene investigation and a good study of this evidence. This already answers some questions. In other words, whether he was starved and that's why he died, or whether he was killed in one place and then moved to another place, what time he was killed, what day he was killed, etc. In other words, these teams can solve all kinds of information that will be needed for the investigation. As long as the issues are not approached with prejudice and everyone does their own job," he said.

Only authorities should enter the crime scene

Emphasizing that crime scene investigation is very important in such incidents, Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy pointed out that many people enter the crime scene and this may lead to the destruction of evidence or the addition of new things to it. She stated that only authorized persons should enter the crime scene.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At27 July 2018
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