Saving the environment is now the time to change

Saving the environment is now the time to change

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir, Koronavirüs salgınının insanlığın doğaya verdiği zararı gözler önüne serdiğini belirterek, sürdürülemez yaşam tarzımızın ve ekonomik sistemimizin doğanın dengesini bozduğunu vurguluyor. Uzun süredir çevreyi ihmal eden insanlığın, sınırsız büyüme anlayışını sorgulamadığını ve su kaynaklarını kirlettiğini, hayvanların neslinin tükenmesine göz yumduğunu ifade ediyor. Özdemir, salgın sürecinde "evde kal" çağrısıyla hava ve su kirliliğinin azalmasının, küresel ısınmanın yavaşlamasının, çevre sorunlarının ciddiye alınması gerektiğinin bir göstergesi olduğunu belirtiyor. Gelecek nesilleri düşünerek yaşam tarzımızda bir değişikliğe gidilmesi gerektiğini, doğanın sınırlı kaynaklarına saygı duyulması gerektiğini, temizlik ve çevre bilinciyle hareket etmemiz gerektiğini savunuyor. Özdemir, salgının insanlığa önemli bir ders verdiğini ve sorumluluk almanın zamanının geldiğini ekliyor.

Noting that the damage caused by humanity to nature has also been revealed with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic that has affected the world, experts point out that the message given by nature in this way should be read well and measures should be taken accordingly.

Noting that we have to think about our children and future generations before it is too late, experts said: "We have to think about the society we live in, people, animals and the environment as a whole. Our lifestyle should not harm other people, living creatures and nature. Nature has a limit with its water, soil, air and forests. We have to develop a lifestyle without pushing this limit."

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir, Head of the Department of Philosophy at Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, pointed out that with the coronavirus epidemic, the damage caused by human beings to nature has come to light.

"We have disrupted the balance of the world..."

Stating that humanity has neglected the environment for a long time, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said that the balance of the world has been disrupted:

"When we think of plague, we always think of the Middle Ages. Our belief in science and technology prevented us from seeing the reality. Nature was deteriorating due to our lifestyle and economic system. Many rulers and people have turned a deaf ear to the cries of environmentalists since 1960. According to them, scientists would find solutions to everything. There was no need to worry. Even death was only a matter of time. Some people continued to deceive themselves, thinking that they were getting younger with very expensive plastic surgeries. They did not think that one day they would die.

"We did not take care of the waters"

They ignored the famous philosopher Socrates' statement that 'an unquestioned life is not worth living'. They did not question themselves and their lifestyle; they did not question whether it was sustainable or not. We could not understand that the economic system and the lifestyle it imposed on us is unsustainable. We persistently ignored that unlimited and irresponsible growth is not possible; that the universe works with very delicate balances and settings. We could not comprehend the depth of Allah's words 'we created everything from water'. We did not protect the waters. We polluted the streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans with the chemicals we used. Even the extinction of the animals living there one by one did not convince most of us. More production, more profit and a more prosperous life. The point we have reached is thought-provoking."

We have to change!

Noting that we have to think about our children and future generations before it is too late, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said, "The truth that this crisis has shown us is clear: We cannot continue like this. We have to change. We have to think about the society we live in, people, animals and the environment as a whole. Our way of life must not harm other people, living creatures and nature. Nature has a limit with its water, soil, air and forests. We have to develop a lifestyle without pushing this limit."

Air pollution decreased with "Stay at home"

Stating that air pollution has decreased with the message "Stay at home" within the scope of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the epidemic, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said, "Air and water pollution has decreased everywhere, especially in China; global warming has slowed down. This was observed even in Istanbul. In fact, all these were predicted by the reports submitted to the UN International Panel on Climate Change by neutral scientists. Some countries, especially the USA, refused to take the necessary measures. They held back because it would affect our economy. Today, the economies of these countries are collapsing like sand castles; their hospitals are unable to take care of their own people."

Now is the time to think!

Noting that this time we are in is an opportunity to think and evaluate all these negativities, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said:
"In these days when we are locked in our homes and cannot go out, it is time to take ourselves into account: What have I done for the environment? What have I done for endangered animals? What have I done against companies that pollute the environment? What have I done against those who produce and sell products that are harmful to the environment and our health? What have I done against politicians who remain silent about the pollution of the environment, forests, rivers, lakes and seas? It is time for change, starting with ourselves. It is time to rediscover the value of water, air and soil. It is time to understand the value of cleanliness of heart and mind as well as clean hands and face. It is time to think about our elderly, our children, our grandchildren by abandoning a selfish attitude that prioritizes only ourselves. It is time to change for them. It is time to warn and prevent anyone who pollutes and destroys the environment."

"Coronavirus has taught humanity a lesson"

Recalling that Sweden's Greta Thunberg started a sit-in in August 2019 to draw attention to global warming and climate change, she said: "Today we need to take action too. Corona should have taught us how sensitive we need to be. We should have discovered the value of every drop of water we use. Experts all over the world say 'clean, clean, clean'. With what? With clean water. But if our water runs out or becomes contaminated, what will we clean with? It is terrifying to think about. We can live without gasoline, diesel or natural gas. We cannot live without water. In the same way, we have to protect and preserve every inch of land. We have to discover the value of every tree, every bird that nests and sings and protect them. The corona pandemic has taught an important lesson to all humanity."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At03 April 2020
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