Our genetic makeup decides love at first sight

Our genetic makeup decides love at first sight

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Araştırmacılar, aşkın ve aşk deneyiminin genetik yapımız tarafından belirlendiğini bulmuşlardır. Serotonin ve dopamin metabolizmasının aşk duygusunda önemli rol oynadığı, serotonin taşıyan proteinin gen kodlamasının kısa formuna sahip bireylerin aşklarını daha yoğun yaşarken, uzun formlu bireylerin duygularını daha az gösterdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bağışıklık sistemiyle ilgili bazı genlerin eş seçimi üzerinde etkili olduğu da belirtilmiştir. Bu bulgular, aşkın daha önce düşünüldüğü gibi yalnızca hormonlardan değil, karmaşık bir genetik mekanizmanın sonucu olduğunu göstermektedir.

The structure of our genes affects our love life. Those with short genes experience love fiercely, those with short genes do not show their feelings.

Love at first sight is not decided by our heart, brain or hormones. According to the scientific world, falling in love is under the control of our genetic structure. Especially serotonin and dopamine metabolism are effective in falling in love or love at first sight. People with a short gene encoding the protein that transports serotonin into the cell experience their love more fervently and intensely. Those with long forms, on the other hand, are reluctant to show their feelings.

As February 14th Valentine's Day approaches, love and affection are being talked about everywhere. The scientific world says that our genes, not our heart or brain, decide love and the way we experience love.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korkut Ulucan pointed out that human genes also have important effects on the emotions experienced.

Is true love hidden in our genes?

Stating that new information is entering our lives every day and our brain dynamics are being solved a little more, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korkut Ulucan said, "We are becoming better able to understand the reasons for behaviors that we cannot make sense of. For years, we have constantly researched the meaning, biology and physical effects of the word love, but we have not been able to clearly reveal why we fall in love and the underlying reasons for falling in love. Finally, the data obtained shows that our genetic structure plays an important role in falling in love."

Short genes experience fiery love

Stating that our situations such as love at first sight and falling in love are also under the control of our genetic structure, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korkut Ulucan said the following:
"Especially serotonin and dopamine metabolism are very effective in falling in love. Serotonin gives us clues about this. The gene encoding the protein that transports serotonin into the cell has two forms, long and short. It has been found that those with the short form experience their love more fiercely, more intensely, and fall in love more often and easily. On the other hand, those with the long form tended to choose a more sedate love situation that did not show their feelings as much as possible."

Our genes guide us in choosing a partner

Stating that the determination of the biological and genetic factors that determine our emotional state is one of the issues that attract the attention of scientists, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korkut Ulucan said, "Especially the further determination of brain dynamics has enabled us to look at many issues in more detail. It has been determined that many of our characteristics such as love are not just some hormones, as it was previously thought, but as a result of a very complex mechanism that determines all our other behavioral patterns. Some people fall in love more easily and more often, while others fall in love less often and perhaps more difficultly. Some people express their love very fiercely, others keep it more to themselves, and the underlying factors are genetic. Previous studies have observed that some genes involved in the human immune system guide us in choosing a spouse and finding the right partner."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 January 2021
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