"Original and Qualified Contribution to the Health System Award" to NPISTANBUL Hospital

"Original and Qualified Contribution to the Health System Award" to NPISTANBUL Hospital

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, sağlık sistemine yaptığı eşsiz ve nitelikli katkılarından dolayı "Sağlıkta Sosyal Sorumluluk Ödülleri"nde ödüle layık görüldü. Ödül, hastanenin kurucusu Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'a verildi. Tarhan, hastanenin birçok alanda öncü çalışmalara imza attığını, beyin görüntüleme ve haritalama projelerinde yer aldığını, G20 kapsamında önemli sunumlar yaptığını ve duyusal entegrasyon gibi birçok tedavi yöntemini ilk kez uyguladığını belirtti. "Doktor, sadece yaptığı değil, yapmadığı tedavilerden de sorumludur" felsefesiyle çalıştıklarını ve yeniliklere açık olduklarını vurguladı. Ödül töreninde, Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur da "Sağlık Yönetiminde Yaşam Boyu Başarı Ödülü"nü aldı.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "The physician is also responsible for the treatments not performed"

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital was awarded for its unique and qualified contributions to the health system. The award was presented to the founder of the hospital, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan. Stating that as NPISTANBUL Hospital, they have always been the pioneer of firsts, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "The physician is also responsible for the treatments that are not performed. We continue our work with this philosophy and realize innovations."

Organized for the 11th time this year by Health Volunteers Turkey and Hospital Manager magazine, Social Responsibility in Health Awards and Successful Healthcare Manager of the Year Awards were presented at a ceremony held at Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital.

At the Social Responsibility in Health Awards, Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital was deemed worthy of the award for its "unique contributions to the health system". The award was presented to Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan at the night attended by Furkan Tarhan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Üsküdar University, and Fırat Tarhan, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Human Values and Mental Health Foundation.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "We are realizing firsts"

Stating that they have a 20-year history as NPISTANBUL Hospital and that they are constantly working to realize firsts, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that they are involved in projects carried out worldwide on brain imaging and brain mapping. Prof. Dr. Tarhan said that they participated in the N20 Summit held in Antalya, China and Hamburg within the scope of G-20 and made important presentations on brain-related diseases.

Being a Brain Hospital is very important

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "The brain is a priority area for us" and added, "Being a brain hospital is very important. We established Europe's second brain hospital. In addition to the brain, we also provide services in psychiatry, neurology, psychology and other branches. We are implementing new treatment methods in the field of brain for the first time."

Stating that as NPISTANBUL Hospital, they applied many treatment methods such as sensory integration for the first time, Tarhan said, "I have a military background. There are terminologies that are used a lot in the Armed Forces; 'The commander is responsible not only for the work done, but also for the work not done'. As physicians, we are responsible not only for what is done but also for the treatments that are not done. When a patient comes to us, not only the existing treatments but also other treatment methods should be considered. I acted with this motivation and we continue our work in a way that is open to innovations. We have implemented many innovations with this philosophy."

"Lifetime Achievement Award" to Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur

In the Successful Healthcare Executive of the Year Awards, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur, Dean of Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Healthcare Management. Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur, who was presented with the award by Prof. Dr. Metin Çakmakçı, expressed his satisfaction for being deemed worthy of the award and said, "Some people like to complain a lot, I wanted not to be one of those people who complain in life. I worked and believed that self-realization is a true peace. We could not be one of the great people who were able to achieve this, but I promise in your presence that I will work towards becoming one. This will give me energy, I will work harder for my students, my country and my friends from now on."

The jury of the Successful Healthcare Executive of the Year Awards, which were presented to Turkey's leading foundations and institutions in the field of healthcare, consisted of Prof. Dr. Melih Bulut, Prof. Dr. Barış Diren, Prof. Dr. Metin Çakmakçı, Yaşar Yıldırım, Bülent Kiymir, Meri İstiroti and Oğuz Engiz. The jury for the Social Responsibility in Health Awards consisted of Prof. Dr. Haluk Gürgen, Prof. Dr. Barış Diren, Sibel Güneş, Semra Baysan, Ayşenur Asuman Uğur and Oğuz Engiz.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 January 2021
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