New date for YKS should increase motivation

New date for YKS should increase motivation

Content Summary

YÖK, üniversite sınavı YKS'nin 25-26 Temmuz 2020'ye ertelendiğini duyurdu. Uzmanlar, adayların motivasyonlarını kaybetmeden çalışmaya devam etmeleri gerektiğini vurguluyor. Adayların evde kalmanın öncelik olduğunu, sağlıklarının korunmasının en önemli husus olduğunu hatırlatıyorlar. ÖSYM'nin sınavları kısa sürede okuyabilecek altyapıya sahip olduğu belirtiliyor ve sonuçların Ağustos sonuna kadar açıklanabileceği tahmin ediliyor. Adaylara, mevcut zorlu süreçte karamsarlığa kapılmak yerine, hedeflerine ulaşmak için çalışmaya devam etmeleri öneriliyor.

While going through extraordinary days with the coronavirus epidemic; A news that closely concerns university candidates came from YÖK. In the statement made by YÖK, it was announced that YKS was postponed to July 25-26, 2020. Stating that the uncertainty has disappeared with the clarification of the date, experts warn candidates to continue studying and not to lose their motivation.

Üsküdar University Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Manager Expert Psychological Counselor and Career Counselor Ece Tözeniş reminded that YKS dates were postponed to 25-26 July 2020 following the statement of YÖK President Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç on March 26, 2020.

Candidates have difficulty concentrating

Stating that university candidates, like everyone else, are a bit demotivated during this period, he said, "Dear university candidates, I know that you are all bored of staying at home, your motivation has dropped, you have difficulty in studying and concentrating. Did this statement give us some relief? At least our hesitations about whether the exams will be postponed or not are over. As of now, we now know when the exam will be held."

The right thing to do right now; Staying at Home

Noting that the candidates are a bit pessimistic in this period, Ece Tözeniş said, "You say, 'What will become of us?' The priority is our health. The best thing we can do right now to protect ourselves is to "Stay Home". In time, we will find answers to our other questions. We will wait for the announcement from YÖK regarding the issues."

ÖSYM's infrastructure is solid

Ece Tözeniş said, "After the exams are completed on July 25-26, based on our experience from previous years, we can say that ÖSYM has an infrastructure that can read the exams in a short time. The results are announced in a short time, and after the preference period, as a prediction, the placements will be completed at the end of August."

"We have all the technical information about the exam," said Ece Tözeniş, "Even if the subjects are reduced according to the announcement, we know this exam, we know the question types. We know last year's base scores and success ranks."

Choose your side!

Underlining that candidates should not despair these days, Ece Tözeniş said:

"There are two options in front of us.

1. To waste time by saying "My psychology is broken", "I cannot be motivated because I am always at home", "Everything will find us anyway".

2. We are going through a difficult process, but I have dreams and how can I make this process useful for myself?

Don't despair

Emphasizing that it is up to the candidate to choose one of the two options above, Ece Tözeniş said, "You have a long way to go. Now is the time to take a step. The steps you start taking now will take you to where you want to arrive at the end of your journey. Of course these days will pass. And you will say "hello" to a new life as a student of that university in the universities you dream of."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At31 March 2020
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