New danger Mariam game

New danger Mariam game

Content Summary

Mariam oyunu, çocukları intihar etmeye teşvik eden şiddet ve korku temalı bir mobil oyundur. Oyun, çocuklardan isim, adres ve sosyal medya erişimi gibi kişisel bilgiler talep ederek bunları kötüye kullanma riski taşır. Korkutucu ses efektleri ve görsellerle birlikte, gece yarısı aramaları ve tehditkar mesajlar içerir. Bu durum, çocuklarda şiddete karşı duyarsızlaşmaya, uyku bozukluklarına, anksiyete ve depresyon gibi ruhsal sorunlara ve hatta intihar girişimlerine yol açabilir. Ailelerin çocuklarını bu tür oyunlardan korumak için internet kullanımını denetlemeleri, zararlı ve yararlı oyunlar arasındaki farkı açıklamaları, çocukların bilgisayar erişimini aile gözetiminde sağlamaları ve çocukların sosyal aktivitelere yönlendirilmeleri önerilmektedir. Aile içi iletişimin kalitesinin artırılması da önemlidir; zira sosyal olarak izole ve aile iletişimi zayıf olan çocukların bu tür oyunlara daha meyilli oldukları belirtilmektedir.

A new danger for children: The Mariam game. Games like Mariam encourage suicide.

Stating that the Mariam game played on the mobile platform makes death or killing ordinary with the theme of violence and fear, experts emphasize that it will have negative effects on the emotional and social development of children and young people. Pointing out that such games can cause suicide attempts in children and young people, experts warn families that children are desensitized to violence with these games.

Drawing attention to the fact that the Mariam game, which has come to the agenda in recent days, will negatively affect the development of children, experts made important warnings.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz drew attention to the negative effects of games on children. Göğcegöz said the following:

"In this game, which has recently become quite common among children and young people, a 9-year-old girl named Mariam asks for help from the player to return home by stating that she is lost. In the game, people are asked for their name, address, immediate surroundings and permission to access applications such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Without answering these questions, the next stage cannot be passed. Thus, users' personal information is captured. In addition, private information such as home address and phone number can be used for different purposes.


In the advanced stages of the game, which is presented with frightening sound effects and visual themes, a call is made from an unknown number at 3:00 a.m. and various messages are given with a frightening and alarming robotic voice. In these different stages of the game, violence, horror-themed elements that normalize and encourage death or killing can negatively affect the emotional and social development of children and young people and may lead to suicide attempts.


In addition, these children can become desensitized to what they see in games and perceive violence as a normal part of life. In addition, when the game is closed, users' sleep quality deteriorates and various mental disorders such as anxiety and depression can be seen, as it is necessary to wait 24 hours to play again. Fortunately, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies has blocked access to the game, noting that it captures personal information and poses a psychological danger."


Stating that families can take some precautions to protect their children from such games, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz said, "We live in an age where we cannot say no to technology and cannot deny the many conveniences it provides. So what can families do to protect their children from these games? What measures can be taken? First of all, parents should review themselves in terms of Internet use and be positive role models. In addition, the difference between harmful and useful games should be explained to children instead of prohibiting them."


Emphasizing that the use of the Internet should definitely be in the public living space instead of the child's room, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz listed her recommendations as follows:

"Children should access the computer in the presence of their families. Limitations should be imposed, such as certain hours on weekdays or only certain hours on weekends. Some applications that provide parental control and child locks can protect personal information and ensure that your children only use the internet with appropriate applications. In some applications, you can limit the time your child spends on the internet. It is reported that children and young people with poor family communication and who are socially isolated are more likely to engage in such games. Therefore, quality communication within the family should be increased and children and young people should be directed to social activities."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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