Meniscus is not a disease of old age

Meniscus is not a disease of old age

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan, her yaştan insanda görülebilen menisküs hastalığı ve tedavi yöntemleri hakkında önemli bilgiler paylaştı. Menisküs yırtığı her yaş grubunda görülebilen bir rahatsızlıktır. Genç yaşlarda genellikle travma sonucu oluşan yırtıklar, yaşın ilerlemesiyle birlikte diz eklemlerinin yıpranması ve dejenerasyonu nedeniyle ortaya çıkar. Belirtiler yaş gruplarına göre değişmekle birlikte, diz ağrısı, kilitlenme, dizin belirli bir açıdan sonra açılıp kapanmaması gibi şikayetler görülür. Gençlerde yırtık menisküsün onarımı tercih edilirken, yaşlılarda kanlanmanın azalması nedeniyle yırtık kısım temizlenerek ameliyat yapılır. Ameliyat sonrası hastalar kısa sürede normal yaşamlarına dönebilirler.

Meniscus, which is thought to occur only in advanced ages, can occur in any period of life, regardless of whether it is a child or a young person. Early treatment of meniscus, which causes complaints in the form of pain and swelling in the knee joint, is of great importance. Meniscus, which occurs mostly after trauma at a young age, occurs due to the wear and tear of the knee joints at an advanced age. Experts state that patients who undergo an operation can quickly return to normal life.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan shared important information about meniscus disease and treatment methods that can occur in people of all ages in the society.

Meniscus tear can occur at any age

Pointing out that meniscal tears are injuries that can affect the entire society and can generally occur in any age group, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "It can be seen in everyone from childhood to old age. Symptoms and patient complaints vary according to age groups. Meniscus tears, which occur mostly after trauma at a young age, occur due to aging and wear and tear of the knee joints, which we call degeneration as the age progresses."

Stating that patients usually have complaints such as pain in the knee, sticking, locking, inability to open or close the knee after a certain angle, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "In the first period, especially if it was caused by trauma, it can cause swelling and severe pain in the knee joint. Treatment also varies according to age groups. At young ages, we mostly consider the option of repairing the torn part of the meniscus. We sew the torn parts of the meniscus with closed technique."

Operation is preferred in elderly patients

As the blood supply to the meniscus decreases in advanced ages, repair is not possible. We mostly clean the torn part with closed surgery. Patients can quickly return to their normal lives after the operation."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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