Men are afraid of beautiful women!

Men are afraid of beautiful women!

Content Summary

Venüstraphobia, güzel kadınlardan korkma olarak bilinen nadir bir fobi, erkeklerde yaygındır ve terleme, kalp atış hızında artış ve nefes darlığı gibi fizyolojik tepkilere neden olabilir. Uzmanlara göre, bu korku, güzel kadınlarla rekabet etme ve yetersizlik hissiyle başa çıkma çabasıyla ilişkilidir. Anksiyeteli veya güvensiz ilişkiler yaşayan erkekler, kendilerinden daha az iddialı kişilerle ilişki kurmayı tercih edebilirler. Çocuklukta yaşanan travmatik olaylar veya deneyimler ve yetiştirme tarzı gibi birçok faktörün venüstraphobia'nın gelişmesinde rol oynayabileceği belirtilmektedir.

When we think of phobias, the first things that come to mind are confined spaces, heights and death. However, there are some phobias that, despite being little known, make many people's lives a living hell.

One of these phobias is the fear of beautiful women, also known as Venüstraphobia. Experts say that Venüstraphobia, which is seen in most men, causes sweating, increased heart rate and a feeling of breathlessness when a beautiful woman is seen.

Can a beautiful woman cause fear? Science says yes. Stating that this fear, called venüstraphobia, is common in men, Aziz Görkem Çetin, Specialist Clinical Psychologist at Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, said, "Men can avoid being with a beautiful woman by aiming to be with beautiful women, while trying to glorify themselves in competition and sacrificing themselves to that competition. One of the reasons for this avoidance is the feeling of inadequacy."

Stating that the individual experiences some physiological reactions when he sees a beautiful woman, Çetin said, "In Venüstraphobia, we may encounter symptoms of sweating, increased heart rate and feeling as if the breath will stop."


According to Aziz Görkem Çetin, who states that insecurities are experienced in relationships between people in society, thinking that the other party is unreliable can trigger problems with one's self-confidence. "Especially anxious and timid people or those who have experienced insecurity in relationships may prefer relationships with people who are less assertive in appearance compared to themselves," said Çetin.

"As long as women are seen as an element of responsibility and threat in society, it is extremely natural for men to have a phobia of beautiful women," Çetin said, adding that men can easily feel elements such as inadequacy, insecurity, threat and pressure and can look for beauty at a completely different point.

Stating that phobias usually occur with the effect of events or traumatic situations experienced in childhood, Çetin said the following on this subject:

"It would be more realistic to consider many denominators such as past experiences, triggering situations, personality traits, upbringing styles together in human life. Apart from this, the mindset is also of great importance."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 February 2018
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