Lodos trigger migraine and sinusitis pain

Lodos trigger migraine and sinusitis pain

Content Summary

Lodos rüzgarı, özellikle migren ve sinüzit hastalarında baş ağrılarını tetikleyebilir. Migren hastalarının ilaçlarını yanlarında bulundurmaları gerektiğini belirten uzmanlar, ıslak saçla dışarı çıkılmaması, dışarı çıkıldığında şapka veya bere kullanılmasının ihmal edilmemesi konusunda uyarıyor. Lodosun neden olduğu baş ağrıları "migren tarzı baş ağrısı" olarak adlandırılıyor. Lodosun baş ağrısına neden olmasının tam olarak bilinmemesine rağmen, taşıdığı toz ve mineraller ile basınç değişikliklerinin etkili olduğu düşünülüyor. Lodos ayrıca yorgunluk, halsizlik, uykusuzluk, vücut ağrıları ve iş isteğinde azalma gibi şikayetlere de neden olabiliyor. Migren hastaları, lodoslu havalarda ilaçlarını yanlarında bulundurmalı, sağlıklı beslenmeli, bol sıvı tüketmeli, alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmalı ve tetikleyici olabilecek kahve ve çikolata gibi yiyeceklerden kaçınmalıdır. Islak saçla dışarı çıkmamalı ve mümkünse lodoslu havalarda dışarı çıkmaktan kaçınılmalıdır. Dışarı çıkılması gerekiyorsa baş, şapka veya bere ile korunmalıdır ve klimalı ortamlardan uzak durulmalıdır. Baş ağrılarının önlenmesi için en etkili yöntemin lodoslu havada dışarıda kalmamamak ve ağrı başlar başlamaz migren ilacı almak olduğu belirtilmektedir.

Loddy weather triggers headaches, especially in people with migraine and sinusitis. Stating that migraine patients should definitely keep their medications with them in the weather, experts say, "Do not go out with wet hair. Do not neglect to use a hat or beret when going out," warns.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Headache Polyclinic Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Barış Metin said that headaches that occur in lodos weather are called "migraine-style headache".

Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin stated that the reason why lodos cause headaches is not yet fully known and gave the following information:

Lodos trigger migraine

"Some weather conditions especially trigger migraine pain. These are lodos wind, extreme heat or cold, sudden changes in the humidity balance of the air. Lodos can cause headaches and migraines due to the various dust and minerals it carries. Pressure changes also have effects. This affects people both physically and mentally. In general, it causes complaints such as fatigue, weakness, insomnia, body aches, decreased desire to work. Apart from headaches, lodos can also cause different problems such as shortness of breath, weakness, and blood in the eyes."

Migraine and sinusitis patients are more affected

Stating that migraine tends to increase especially in lodos, Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "As it is known, migraine usually causes one-sided, throbbing pain accompanied by discomfort from light and sound. Since these areas are sensitive even in patients with sinusitis, lodos can affect the person more."

Migraine patients should keep their medications with them

Stating that especially migraine patients should keep their migraine medications with them during the weather with lodos, Metin listed his recommendations as follows:
"Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, avoid alcohol and smoking. If there are factors such as coffee and chocolate that trigger your migraine, do not use them especially in this weather. Do not go out with wet hair. Take care not to go out on lodos days unless it is necessary. If you have to go out, protect your head from the wind with a hat or beret. Avoid air-conditioned environments."

The more wind, the more complaints!

Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin, who stated that it may be possible to prevent headaches in lodos weather with some precautions, said, "It is the most effective method not to stay outside in such weather and to take your migraine medication as soon as your pain starts. Because the more people are exposed to wind in such weather, the more complaints increase. People with sensitivity should avoid these situations more. If this situation recurs frequently even when there is no lodos, it will be useful to see a specialist, "he said.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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