Lithium solution for resistant depression

Lithium solution for resistant depression

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Lityum, fiziksel ve ruhsal rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılan bir tuzdur ve vücutta doğal olarak bulunmaz. Lithuril adı verilen bir ilaç olarak ağızdan alınır ve böbrekler yoluyla vücuttan atılır. Bipolar bozuklukta (mani-depresif hastalık) birincil tedavi olarak kullanılır, hem depresif hem de manik dönemlerde tedavi amaçlı ve nüksü önlemek için profilaktik olarak kullanılır. Ayrıca, antidepresanlara dirençli depresyon ve tedaviye dirençli obsesif kompulsif bozuklukta ek tedavi olarak kullanılır. Lityum, kemik iliğinde kan üretimi ve bazı kanser türlerinde hücre çoğalmasını durdurmada da etkili olabilir. Bağımlılık yapmaz ve bilinç değişikliğine yol açmaz ancak yan etkileri arasında mide bulantısı, kusma, artmış susuzluk, sık idrara çıkma, cilt lezyonları, akne ve el titremesi olabilir. Kullanımı sırasında düzenli olarak kan seviyelerinin izlenmesi ve böbrek ile tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin yapılması gereklidir. Ayrıca, kan basıncı ilaçları, bazı ağrı kesiciler ve NSAİİ'lerle etkileşim gösterebilir, bu nedenle birlikte kullanımda zehirlenmeye yol açabilir. Lityum kullanımı mutlaka doktor gözetimi altında başlatılmalı ve takip edilmelidir.

Experts underline that lithium, which plays a role in the treatment of physical disorders as well as mental problems, should be started under the supervision of a doctor. Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir gave important information about the use of lithium.

It must be used under doctor's supervision!

Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "Contrary to what is known in our society, lithium, which is a salt, is not a substance that is found in our body under normal conditions and is lost in disease. It is taken orally with a drug called Lithuril. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys."

"Lithium is also used as an additional treatment in depression that does not respond to antidepressant treatment, which we call resistant, and in recurrent depressions. It is also used as a reinforcement therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder that does not respond to treatment. Apart from psychiatric disorders, there are other areas where it has an effect. It stimulates blood production in the bone marrow, especially the production of immune system cells. It is useful in carcinoid type cancers. It has also been shown to stop cell proliferation in some other types of cancer. However, in any case, it should be started by a doctor and followed up by a doctor."

Lithium is not addictive

Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "Recently, due to the news in the press, it has been questioned whether it is addictive or not. Lithium is not addictive. This drug, which we still consider the gold standard in the treatment of bipolar disorder, does not cloud the mind, does not cause changes in consciousness or loss of consciousness."
It has been used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders since the 1950s

"Lithium has been used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders since the 1950s. The primary treatment area is mood disorders known as bipolar disorder or manic depressive illness." Kesebir continued his words as follows:

"It is used to treat depression or mania during periods of illness in bipolar disorder. In the good periods of bipolar disorder, it is continued to be used as a preventive treatment to prevent relapse, in other words, to prevent attacks.

Side effects are mostly seen in the digestive system

The most common side effects are related to the digestive system, such as nausea and vomiting. There may be an increased need to drink water and frequent urination. In some people, it may cause skin lesions and rashes, often acne. May cause hand tremor. As long as it is used, kidney and thyroid function tests should be performed at regular intervals.

Blood levels should be monitored during treatment.

As long as it is used, blood levels should be monitored at regular intervals. As a matter of fact, elevated blood levels may lead to lithium poisoning. It interacts with blood pressure medications and some painkillers and antirheumatic drugs called NSAI-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use together may result in poisoning."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 September 2018
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