'Let it be a crime to touch and love without permission'

'Let it be a crime to touch and love without permission'

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, çocuklara karşı şiddet ve cinsel istismar vakalarında en büyük sorumluluğun ailelere düştüğünü belirterek, bu suçların %70-80 oranında çocuğun tanıdığı kişiler, yakın akrabaları tarafından işlendiğini vurguluyor. Çocuklara karşı şiddet ve cinsel saldırı suçlarını işleyen kişilerin psikopat ve antisosyal kişilik özelliklerine sahip olduğunu, pedofilik kişilik özelliklerinin disiplinli, iyi çalışan ve görünüşte ahlaklı bireyler olabileceğini, ancak erotik-pornografik malzemelere ilgi duyduklarını ifade ediyor. Tarhan, çocuklara evde gizlilik eğitimi verilmesi gerektiğini, çocukların güvenli davranışlar öğrenmesi gerektiğini ve izinsiz dokunmanın ve sevmenin suç olması gerektiğini savunuyor. Gelişmiş ülkelerde izinsiz bir çocuğa dokunmanın veya sevmenin suç sayıldığını hatırlatarak, Türkiye'de de benzer yasaların olması gerektiğini belirtiyor. Ayrıca, cinsel istismardan önce çocuğun duygusal ihmal, duygusal istismar, fiziksel ihmal ve fiziksel istismar gibi dört tür ihmal ve istismar yaşadığını, sosyal medyanın bu konunun görünürlüğünü artırdığını ancak Türkiye'de 0-18 yaş arası çocuklara karşı cinsel şiddet ve beden bütünlüğüne yönelik suçların tüm suçlar içindeki oranının %64 olduğunu ekliyor.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan reminds that privacy education should be given to children in the family and draws attention to the fact that the danger in cases of violence and sexual abuse comes from the immediate environment. Stating that in developed countries, a person on the street can be arrested for a sexual offense if he loves or touches a child he does not know without permission, Tarhan said that there should be similar laws in Turkey.

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that the biggest responsibility in cases of violence against children falls on families.

The rate of crimes against children is 64

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that awareness about the sad events has increased with the effect of social media and said, "There has been an increase in the visibility of this issue. People are more aware and more sensitive. It is talked about more. Social media has an effect. It has become more visible, but when we look at it from another point of view, according to statistical data and Ministry of Justice data, the rate of sexual violence against children between the ages of 0-18 and crimes against the body integrity of the child among all crimes is 64% in Turkey. According to statistical data in the USA, there has been a 57% increase in crimes against children such as violence against children, violence by children against children, violence by adults against children in the last 10 years compared to the previous 10 years. For this reason, this is an issue that is on the agenda of sociologists, child development specialists and psychologists all over the world."

Danger mostly comes from the closest

Stating that the danger in crimes against children always comes from people in the immediate environment, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said the following

"When we look at who are the risk groups for sexual offenses and harassment, the first group is unfortunately 70-80% of the people the child knows, close relatives. These people are not healthy people. We see that these people are people with very high erotic - pornographic predispositions. We see that these people do not pay attention to privacy. Some of them play a very innocent and moral role, but they have a very ambivalent personality. Therefore, when they are alone with the child, they can easily turn to this crime under the influence of alcohol or for other reasons."

They have psychopathic and antisocial personality traits

Stating that people who commit the crimes of violence and sexual assault against children have psychopathic and antisocial personality traits, Prof. Dr. Tarhan said, "These people who commit crimes are known as psychopathic and antisocial. Other characteristics of these people are pedophilic personalities, especially towards children. The characteristics of pedophilic personalities may be disciplined, well-working, seemingly good moral individuals. The characteristic of these people is that they show interest in erotic pornographic materials. These people are in the severe risk group."

Privacy should be taught at home

Stating that families have important duties in preventing violence and sexual crimes against children, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "If there are people in such a risk group in the close environment of the child, the child should be prevented from staying in the same environment. They should be more careful by avoiding an approach like 'This is your brother, your cousin'. Another issue is to teach children the boundaries of privacy at an early age. Privacy boundaries are not learned through words or advice. If a child walks around the family in a beach dress or a nightclub dress, the child cannot learn the limits of privacy in this family. He accepts this as natural and when he enters other environments, he cannot develop safe behavior because he cannot set limits or say no. Therefore, privacy boundaries should be taught in the family. There are families who live with the toilet door or bathroom door open and the bedroom open. There are families without special boundaries. Children are more candidates."

Before sexual abuse, the child has 4 other forms of neglect and abuse

Stating that sexual abuse in every child is actually a result, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that before sexual abuse, there are 4 more neglect and abuse in the child, "Emotional neglect, emotional abuse, physical neglect and physical abuse. Not meeting the emotional needs of the child, playing with his/her emotions, ignoring him/her at home, humiliating him/her, always criticizing, always scolding, always saying bad words, these are emotional abuse. Emotional neglect is emotional neglect; the child has emotional needs. In other words, just as the stomach's body needs protein and carbohydrates, the child's developing soul needs love, respect and attention."

Touching and loving without permission should be a crime!

Stating that the child should be taught to shout, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that safe behavior should be taught to the child and the family and continued his words as follows: "Especially in developed societies, sexual crimes have increased a lot in Western societies. Sexual violence has increased. Child harassment has increased a lot. There are countries that have passed laws stating that it is a crime to love, touch and play with a child when you touch them without permission. The person can be arrested immediately. Children have become victims of freedom. Turkey has to do this too. Geometrically sexual crimes, neglect and abuse are increasing. Before, it was covered up within the family. Now it is seen and talked about more. Crimes have doubled. There needs to be more social sensitization on issues related to sexuality. The state needs to create sensitivity. In this regard, the crime rate related to sexuality between men and women applies to both sides. Women or men should not be victimized only in this regard. Both sides can be victims. It doesn't matter whether it's girls or boys."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At05 July 2018
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