Kidney Disease Symptoms

Kidney Disease Symptoms

Content Summary

Böbrek hastalıkları, böbreklerin bir veya her ikisini etkileyen çeşitli durumları kapsayan genel bir terimdir. Böbrekler vücuttan atık maddeleri filtreleme, sıvı dengesini koruma, elektrolitleri kontrol etme ve kanda birçok maddeyi düzenleme gibi önemli roller oynar. Hastalıklar bu işlevleri etkileyerek ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir. Yaygın tipleri arasında nefrit, böbrek taşları, böbrek yetmezliği, böbrek kistleri, idrar yolu enfeksiyonları, sistemik hastalıkların etkisi ve böbrek tümörleri bulunur. Yüksek tansiyon, diyabet, genetik faktörler, enfeksiyonlar, inflamasyon, böbrek taşları ve bazı ilaçların yan etkileri nedenler arasında yer almaktadır. Belirtiler ortaya çıkmadan önce ilerlemesi sık görüldüğü için erken teşhis önemlidir. Böbrek hastalığı belirtileri veya risk faktörleri varsa bir sağlık uzmanıyla konuşmak önemlidir. Erken teşhis ve tedavi, böbrek hastalığının ilerlemesini sınırlayabilir ve komplikasyonları önleyebilir. Gizli böbrek hastalığı belirtileri arasında sık idrara çıkma veya az idrara çıkma, idrar miktarında artış veya azalma, idrarda kan veya köpük, ani veya kontrolsüz yüksek tansiyon, ayak bilekleri, bacaklar veya göz kapaklarında şişme, sürekli yorgunluk ve enerji kaybı, iştah kaybı, kilo kaybı veya kilo alımı, kas krampları, ağrıları veya güçsüzlüğü, kaşıntı, renk değişikliği veya ciltte döküntüler, azalmış böbrek fonksiyonu nedeniyle kötü koku, azalmış cinsel fonksiyon veya adet düzensizlikleri ve böbrekler kemik sağlığını kontrol etme yeteneğini kaybettiğinde kemik ağrısı ve kırıklar yer alır. Böbrek hastalıklarının teşhisi, tedavisi ve takibi genellikle "Nefroloji" alanında uzmanlaşmış doktorlar tarafından yapılır. Polikistik böbrek hastalığı, böbreklerde sıvı dolu kistlerin geliştiği genetik bir bozukluktur. Erken evrelerinde belirti göstermeyebilir ancak ileri evrelerde sırt ağrısı, yüksek tansiyon ve böbrek taşları gibi belirtiler ortaya çıkabilir. Tedavi, semptomları kontrol etmeyi ve böbrek fonksiyonunu korumayı amaçlar. Aile öyküsü olan bireylerde risk daha yüksektir.

Kidney disease refers to the inability of the kidneys to perform their normal function. This disease often progresses before symptoms appear, so early diagnosis is important. Symptoms of kidney disease include frequent urination, increased frequency of nighttime urination, and a decrease or increase in the amount of urine. High blood pressure, water retention (edema), fatigue, decreased appetite, weight changes, muscle cramps, itchy skin, foul-smelling breath or bad breath can also be signs of kidney disease.

When signs of kidney disease are recognized or risk factors are present, it is important to talk to a health professional. Early diagnosis and treatment can limit the progression of kidney disease and prevent complications.

Kidney Diseases

Kidney disease is a general term that covers a variety of conditions affecting one or both kidneys. The kidneys play important roles by filtering waste materials from the body, maintaining fluid balance, controlling electrolytes and regulating many substances in the blood. Kidney diseases can affect these functions and cause serious health problems.

Kidney diseases are wide-ranging and can occur for a variety of reasons. Common types include nephritis, kidney stones, kidney failure, kidney cysts, urinary tract infections, the impact of systemic diseases and kidney tumors.

There are various causes of kidney diseases. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, genetic factors, infections, inflammation, kidney stones and side effects of certain medications. Kidney diseases can often progress before symptoms appear, so early diagnosis is important.

Above Kidney Gland Diseases

The adrenal glands (adrenal glands) are two small glands that have important functions in the body, such as coping with stress, regulating metabolism and maintaining hormonal balance. Diseases of these glands can affect hormone production and cause various health problems. Some of the adrenal gland diseases:

Cushing's Syndrome (Hypercortisolism): Characterized by excessive production of the hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands. Symptoms include fat on the face and trunk, elevated blood pressure, muscle weakness and purple skin.

Addison's Disease: Caused by insufficient production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Symptoms include extreme fatigue, weight loss, low blood pressure, tanned skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Pheochromocytoma: A rare tumor characterized by excessive release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal glands. Symptoms include high blood pressure, headaches, sweating and increased heart rate.

Aldosteronism: Caused by excessive release of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal glands. Symptoms include high blood pressure, low potassium levels, muscle weakness and dizziness.

Hyperandrogenism: Associated with excessive production of sex hormones (androgens) from the adrenal glands. Symptoms include excessive body hair growth, menstrual irregularities and skin problems.

Symptoms of Insidious Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases can often progress without symptoms, so they can have an insidious course. It is important to look out for signs of insidious kidney disease, as early diagnosis is important. Symptoms of insidious kidney disease:

  • Frequent urination or little urination,
  • Increase or decrease in the amount of urine,
  • Blood or foam in the urine,
  • Sudden or uncontrolled high blood pressure,
  • Swelling of the ankles, legs or eyelids,
  • Constant fatigue and loss of energy,
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss or weight gain,
  • Muscle cramps, aches or weakness,
  • Itching, discoloration or rashes on the skin,
  • Bad odor caused by decreased kidney function,
  • Decreased sexual function or menstrual irregularities,
  • Bone pain and fractures when the kidneys lose their ability to control bone health.

Which Department Treats Kidney Diseases?

Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up processes related to kidney diseases are usually managed by doctors specializing in "Nephrology". Nephrology is a branch of medicine that deals with the functionality of the kidneys, urinary system problems, hypertension (high blood pressure) and other kidney-related conditions. If a person is experiencing symptoms of kidney disease or has concerns about their kidney health, it is recommended that they see a nephrologist.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder in which fluid-filled cysts develop in the kidneys. This disease, which occurs when abnormal genes are passed from individual to individual, can affect both kidneys and cause a decrease in kidney function over time. In the early stages of the disease, there are no symptoms, but in the later stages, symptoms such as back pain, high blood pressure and kidney stones may occur.

The main cause of PBD is genetic predisposition, so the risk is higher in individuals with a family history. Diagnosis is usually based on genetic testing and imaging. Treatment aims to control symptoms and preserve kidney function. It can increase the risk of hypertension and lead to kidney failure in the later stages. Genetic counseling focuses on the genetic basis of the disease, providing guidance to family members on preventive measures. Individuals should be followed up with regular medical check-ups and early diagnosis.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At05 February 2024
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