Important warnings for kindergarten children

Important warnings for kindergarten children

Content Summary

Çocukların ve ailelerin zorlanabileceği bir süreç olan anaokulu başlangıcı için hazırlık önemlidir. Uzman Psikolog Ayşe Şahin'e göre, çocuğun uzun süreli ayrılığa alışması için önceden kısa süreli ayrılıklara alıştırılması gerekir. Ailenin kaygılarının çocukta yansıdığını belirten Şahin, okul öncesi heyecan ve tereddütlerin gösterilmemesini vurguluyor. Çocuğa ayrılık önceden bildirilmeli, okula gitme motivasyonu okul malzemeleri alınarak artırılabilir ve varsa diğer çocuklar ile önceden tanıştırılabilir. Anaokulunun zorunlu bir yer değil, çocuğun gelişimini destekleyen bir yer olarak görülmesi öneriliyor. Ayrılık anında uzun vedalaşmalardan kaçınılmalı, çocuğun ağlaması durumunda da ağlamanın kısa sürmesine dikkat edilmeli ve sürekli ağlama durumunda uzman desteği aranmalıdır. Okuldan uzak durmamak, adaptasyon için önemlidir.

The kindergarten process can be challenging for both the child and the family, just like any other start in a child's life. One of the most important measures families can take to make the process easier is to prepare their children for the long separation. According to experts, it is necessary not to hide the separation from the child and to inform them in advance.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Psychologist Ayşe Şahin stated that the kindergarten process can be challenging as at the beginning of every new thing in the child's life. Şahin said, "The school environment, temperament characteristics of the child, parental attitude, the child's attachment relationship with the mother are the factors that determine this process."

Children should be accustomed to being separated from the family

Expert Psychologist Ayşe Şahin emphasized that the child who will be separated from his/her parents for the first time should be systematically accustomed to being separated from the family at short intervals beforehand in order to cope with a long-term separation. Şahin listed other suggestions as follows:

- "You can increase your child's motivation towards school by buying school supplies and school clothes together with your child.
- If you know other children who will be at the school, you can help your child make friends with them before school starts.
- Instead of seeing kindergarten as a place where you leave your child for compulsory reasons, you should see it as a place that supports your child's development and change your perspective."

Your anxiety reflects on your child

Expert Psychologist Ayşe Şahin stated that the anxieties of the family about school are reflected on the child and warned, "You should not make the child feel these hesitations, even with your body language."

What should be done in the first days?

Stating that the first days of kindergarten are also important in terms of getting used to and adapting, Ayşe Şahin made the following suggestions to parents for the first days of kindergarten:

- "Do not hide the fact that you will be separated from your child, be sure to inform them in advance.
- Some children have a harder time separating from their mothers and some children have a harder time separating from their fathers; the person who will take the child to school should be someone who is easy to separate from.
- Be careful not to say goodbye for too long.
- Your child may cry when leaving you. The important point here is that the child stops crying after you leave the school. If crying continues throughout the day, you should seek expert support.
- Families should not allow their children to stay away from school when they face a difficult process. The longer they stay at home, the more difficult the return to school becomes."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At10 September 2018
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