How university candidates should choose

How university candidates should choose

Following the announcement of YKS results, the preference process, one of the most important turns for university candidates, has begun. Stating that the most important point in choosing the right profession and university is to know oneself, experts emphasize that universities should be visited and information should be obtained from academicians and students.
Üsküdar University Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Manager, Expert Psychological Counselor and Career Counselor Ece Tözeniş made evaluations regarding the preference process that started with a challenging exam marathon and the announcement of YKS results.

Which university, which department?

Expert Psychological Counselor and Career Counselor Ece Tözeniş said: "What do we choose or what do we give up when making a choice? You have completed a challenging period, you have been going back and forth between tests, books, subject completions for months, maybe years. Numbers and scores may have entered your dreams. The results have been announced and you now have the scores and ranks to choose from. Now a different period awaits you; Preferences! Now you are wondering which university, which department, what the scores will be, and whether you will be able to settle..."

What makes you happy?

Stating that this process should be evaluated in the most accurate way, Tözeniş noted that the most important thing in choosing a profession is to know yourself and said, "How to make a choice or how to create the right choice list? This is a very technical question, first of all, leave aside the scores and success ranks. Ask yourself this: What do I enjoy? What do I enjoy doing? Give the answers to these questions so that you can find out which professions require the personality traits and abilities that match your answers."

Test the place where you will study

Expert Psychological Counselor and Career Counselor Ece Tözeniş, who stated that the university and department to be preferred must be visited, listed her suggestions as follows:

"In which university should you get the education of this profession? What are the opportunities provided by the university, how does the university work for its students, how is its academic staff, if it is a foundation university, what are the scholarship opportunities, what is the scope and conditions of the scholarships, are the social activities of the university strong, are its laboratories and infrastructure strong? For answers to these questions, attend university preference and promotion days. Meet with the academic staff and students of the university there and ask all the questions you have in mind. Test one-on-one the place where you will spend the next 2-4-6 years and receive education. If you do not have the opportunity to go and see it, examine the web pages in detail.

Choose according to your success rank

Once you have done this, you will have a list of preferences. You have 24 preferences. You can make these 24 preferences from associate degree programs and undergraduate departments as you wish.

- Since there are differences between last year's scores and this year's scores, choose according to your success order, not according to the score.

- Compare last year's success ranking with your success ranking in the score type you will choose from.

- Since achievement ranks and scores are determined according to students' preference tendencies, do not hesitate to make preferences above your success rank. But keep in mind that if you make too high preferences, there is a possibility that you may not be settled.

- Choose the departments you will go to when you settle

- You have the right to make as many choices as you want, provided that you do not exceed 24 preferences. Have your top preferences, give more weight to the departments you want in your own success rank, and if there are departments lower than your success rank that you will go to when you settle, include them in your list.

- Be sure to read the special conditions

- When you complete your preference list, be sure to read the special conditions of the departments or programs you have written. If you cannot meet the special conditions of the departments or programs you have written, you cannot register even if you are placed.

Your answer to these questions must be "Yes"

Finally, before sending your preference list to ÖSYM; in the list you have prepared, will you register when you settle in whichever of the departments or programs, will you be happy to study that department or program? If your answer to these questions is "Yes", it means that you have made the right choices. May your dreams become your realities."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 July 2019
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