How Do Acne Scars Go Away?

How Do Acne Scars Go Away?

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Akne, yüz, omuzlar, sırt ve göğüs gibi bölgelerde ortaya çıkan, genellikle ergenlikte başlayan ve uzun süre devam eden bir hastalıktır. Ergenlerin %80'inde görülürken, kadınlarda %10, erkeklerde ise %3 oranında görülmektedir. Yetişkinlikte kadınlarda daha yaygın olup, hormonal değişikliklerle ilişkilidir. Akne, komedonlar (siyah noktalar), papüller (kırmızı ve iltihaplı sivilceler), püstüller (içi iltihaplı sivilceler) ve nodüller (büyük, ağrılı sivilceler) gibi farklı tiplerde olabilir. Ayrıca, daha şiddetli tipleri olan akne conglobata, akne fulminans ve akne vulgaris de vardır. Akne, genetik yatkınlık, hormonal değişiklikler, hastalıklar ve uygun olmayan kozmetik ürün kullanımı nedeniyle oluşabilir. Sivilceleri sıkmak zararlıdır. Tedavi, akne tipine ve şiddetine bağlı olarak topikal retinoidler, antibiyotikler, azelaik asit veya izotretinoin gibi ilaçları içerebilir. Akne izleri için fraksiyonel lazer tedavisi veya peeling yöntemleri kullanılabilir. Akne tedavisi birkaç ay sürebilir ve güneş koruyucu kullanımı önemlidir.

Acne, a type of skin disease, is commonly known as acne. This disease, which can be seen at almost any age, young, adult and old, can cause permanent acne scars on the skin. For this reason, the number of people looking for the remedy in alternative medicine or natural resources is also very high.
If you want to make yourself aware of this issue and take precautions about this disease, you have consulted the right source. Here is our article titled "How acne scars pass", which is our information-packed content, with you; Acne, a type of skin disease, is commonly known as acne among the public. This disease, which can be seen at almost any age, young, adult and old, can cause permanent acne scars on the skin. For this reason, the number of people looking for the remedy in alternative medicine or natural resources is also very high.
If you want to make yourself aware of this issue and take precautions about this disease, you have consulted the right source. Here is our article titled "how acne scars pass", which is our information-packed content;

What is Acne?

This disease, which usually manifests itself on areas such as the face, shoulders, back and chest, usually starts during adolescence and shows its effect for a long time. This possible condition is seen in 80% of the adolescent population. The acne problem, which is encountered in 10% of women, is 3% in men. This condition usually continues in its normal course until a certain age, especially in the 40-45s.

Acne problem is more common in women than men in this period we call adulthood. The reason for this can be said to be due to the hormonal disturbance that usually occurs in humans. There are many types of this disease, which can cause psychological changes as well as changes in the physical appearance of the individual.

It is more important to recognize the types of acne before addressing whether there is a treatment for the acne disease we are talking about.

What are the Types and Types of Acne?

Acne types; It is divided into two main classes as skin and acne lesions.
The skin lesions present in acne are as follows, respectively;


It has a structure between 1 and 3 mm in size. It is also popularly known as "blackheads". This lesion, which can usually be observed in oily skin, is caused by the oxidation of sebum. When the person does not touch this area, it does not cause inflammation and disappears spontaneously.


It is smaller than 5 mm in size. This type of acne is red and inflamed. It causes pain when touching this area where the pimple is formed. This type of acne, which disappears spontaneously, can sometimes turn into pistules.


This type of acne has a structure larger than 5 mm. In addition, it contains pus and looks like a yellow colored form. After the discharge of the purulent fluid inside, it disappears and can also show its presence in the same area again.


This type of acne has a rather large appearance compared to others. Due to its structure, it has a round shape. It can also cause pain in the person with plenty of inflammation. This acne we mentioned can also manifest itself on the surface of the skin or under the skin layer. Nodules, which often cause abscess formation, can burst on their own or cause permanent acne scars on the skin surface.

The types of acne that belong to the acne form, which is another acne lesion, are as follows;

Acne Conglobata

This type of acne causes severe cyst formation in the person's body. It is slightly more common on the back and chest compared to other areas. It causes acne scars to form deep on the skin surface. It has been proven by experts that acne conglobata is more common in women with menstrual irregularities or PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

Acne Fulminans

It is a type of acne that usually appears in men during adolescence.

Acne Vulgaris

It is a type that is frequently seen during adolescence, but it is known as a disease that occurs in most believers. It is mostly seen on the face and has a closed papule structure. It does not cause the formation of cysts, wounds or acne scars on the skin.

Why does acne appear?

Frequently asked by our consultants "why does acne appear? " the answer to the question is as follows;

Generally, acne occurs due to the genetic predisposition of the person. In addition, acne may also occur in cases such as hormonal changes in the person, various diseases, the use of cosmetic products that are not suitable for the skin.

This disease, which starts with sudden changes in the body during puberty, is not definite, but it does not cause bad consequences.

In addition, in the researches conducted, the hormone called testosterone hormone at the blood level in the individual triggered the formation and increase of acne. In addition, acne (acne) occurs more in the fall and winter seasons, this is due to the season. The skin does not breathe because it is worn thicker.

How Does Acne Pass?

It is absolutely wrong for a person to try to eliminate acne by squeezing it. This behavior, which damages the skin, causes the infection in the area to spread and thus prolongs the healing process of the person with acne problem.

Using cosmetic products or covering the problem area with concealer to pass the acne scars on the skin are factors that affect the formation of acne in the person more.

There are also some treatment applications for passing acne. This accelerates the healing process of acne. However, in order to experience this effect, it is extremely important that the person uses the medications given for acne and acne scar treatment at the recommended dose and for the specified period of time.

In addition, practical and fast methods for passing acne are as follows;

  • Toothpaste: When toothpaste is applied to the area with acne, it positively affects the drying of acne in that area.
  • Lemon: Applying the juice of the lemon to the acne area and lying that way positively affects its drying.
  • White Vinegar : Vinegar, especially natural vinegar, has positive effects on acne. When we apply some vinegar to the pimple, it will contribute to its drying.
  • Garlic : Garlic is an antioxidant, so when you cut some garlic in the middle and apply it to the pimple, it will dry it and dry the inflammation.
  • Grape: Applying cold grapes on acne and waiting for it to dry in that way will have a positive effect on acne.
  • Egg White : Egg white, which will be applied on acne, can be applied by washing with warm water after waiting for a while.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda and water are mixed to make a paste and this paste is applied to the pimple, it is left for a while and then it can be washed with warm water and cleaned.

How to Clean Pimply Skin?

It is recommended that people with acne skin should not squeeze the pimple (acne) while cleaning their skin. This situation causes skin injury and permanent acne scars.

Here are the steps to be taken to clean problem skin;

  • The steps to be taken to clean the problem skin are as follows;
  • Apply soap or solution specially produced for the face to your skin twice a day, morning and evening.
  • During the washing process, rinse the skin in circles, but be careful to pop the pimples while doing this.
  • During moisturizing, apply non-greasy creams to your skin. In this way, you will not experience excessive oiliness on your skin.

NOTE : It is extremely important for people with acne problems that the sunscreen used while going out in the sun has an oil-free structure.

How is Acne Diagnosed?

The formation of acne on the skin causes physical and psychological negativity in the person. In some cases, acne (acne) is a skin condition that may even prevent the person from making facial expressions. Therefore, it is important to consult a physician for treatment purposes.

First of all, the stages that the physician does for treatment purposes are as follows;

  • The physician examines the acne.
  • It determines whether there is pain or inflammation in the area where the acne is located.
  • Especially in women, a hormone test is requested and the result is examined.
  • Health problems such as ovarian cysts, type-2 diabetes and hormonal disorders cause skin problems.
  • Due to the data obtained, the patient is diagnosed with acne.

How to Treat Acne?

First, if there is any disease that causes acne formation in the person, it is treated. If there is no such condition, treatment is determined according to the type or effect of acne in the person.

The physician may prefer different types of drugs such as topical retinoids, antibiotics, azelaic acid, isotretinoin tablets and systemic retinoids for the treatment of acne and acne scars (acne scars) in the patient.

In addition to medication, products in the form of creams or lotions suitable for the patient's skin structure can be used.

NOTE : In acne treatment, the patient's recovery period is seen a few months after the treatment is started. Therefore, the medications given should be used at the dose and duration recommended by the physician.

Do Acne Scars Pass? What is Good for Acne Scars?

Acne scars; It occurs as a result of settling in the area where it occurs and the person bursts this acne. There are various methods on the market to get rid of these scars.

Laser treatment is applied by a specialist according to skin types and acne types. However, the most effective laser treatment for the removal of acne scars is fractional laser. In this way, it is effective in removing the damage under and above the skin and ensuring collagen formation.

The peeling method is also used to remove more superficial acne scars. Individuals can apply this method themselves, or they can have it applied by applying to specialists. The aim of the treatment is to eliminate the layer in that area by peeling the problematic area and to ensure that the pit formed is flattened over time.

NOTE : After using these methods preferred to treat acne scars, it is necessary to protect the problematic area from sun rays.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At04 January 2022
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