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İşitme, beş duyu organımızdan biri olup çevremizi anlamamız ve dengemizi sağlamamız için son derece önemlidir. Ses dalgalarının farklı kalınlık, yükseklik ve şiddette olduğunu, kulaklarımızın çok yüksek seslere maruz kalması durumunda işitme kaybına uğrayabileceğini belirtelim. İşitme sistemi, çevresel ve merkezi olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Çevresel sistem, dış kulak, orta kulak, iç kulak ve işitme sinirinden oluşurken, merkezi sistem ise işitme sinirinden başlayarak beyne kadar uzanan sinirsel yapılardan oluşur. Dış kulak, sesleri toplamak ve kulak zarına iletmek için görev yapar. Kulak zarı titreşimleri, orta kulaktaki kemikçiklere (çekiç, örs, üzengi) iletir. Bu titreşimler, iç kulaktaki sıvının hareket etmesini sağlar ve bu hareket, işitmeden sorumlu olan hassas tüy hücrelerini uyarır. İşlenen bilgiler işitme siniri aracılığıyla beyne iletilir ve burada ses olarak algılanır. İşitme, denge duygusunda da rol oynar ve sağlıklı işitme için kulağın tüm parçalarının düzgün çalışması gerekir.

Hearing: one of ourfive senses, critical to our understanding and balance of the world around us. Hearing and interpreting environmental sounds is a complex process.

  • Hearing is one of the human balance points.
  • Hearing is very important for our communication with people.
  • Besides being a complex structure, hearing is a very sensitive organ.

All sounds have different waves. Sound waves can be thin and thick, loud, hard and soft.

Our ears can lose their hearing if they are exposed to too many loud noises.

Hearing System

Our hearing system is divided into peripheral and central.

The peripheral hearing system consists of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and the auditory nerve.

The central hearing system consists of the neural structures that start after the auditory nerve and extend to the brain.

The ear is an organ that helps us hear and balance.

The anatomy of the ear consists of 3 parts: The outer ear, the inner ear and the eardrum.

The outer ear consists of the auricle, ear canal and eardrum. Sounds hitting the auricle are directed into the external ear canal. At the end of the external ear canal is the eardrum. Incoming sounds cause the eardrum to vibrate. As a result of this vibration, vibrations occur in the eardrum and the three small ossicles (hammer, anvil and stirrup) that are connected to each other. As a result of the vibration of the ossicles, the fluid in the inner ear moves and this fluid movement stimulates the hair cells in the inner ear, which are very sensitive structures responsible for hearing. The auditory nerves transmit these vibrations to the brain and the ability to hear is realized.

The inner ear is the most sensitive structure of the ear and contains thousands of hair cells.

In order for us to hear properly and properly, the parts of the ear anatomy must function properly. If one part works slowly or not at all, there are changes in our ability to hear.

When our ears catch sound waves, they transmit them in a way that our brain can understand.

As a result of this stimulation, electrical signals are generated in the auditory nerve. These electrical signals are transmitted to the brain by neural structures in the central hearing system. The brain interprets these electrical signals and allows us to hear.

The human ear can hear sounds between 20 and 20000 Hz.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At14 August 2018
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