Global collaboration on brain mapping

Global collaboration on brain mapping

Content Summary

Almanya'da düzenlenen 4. G20 Beyin Girişimi/Nörobilim zirvesi, beyin haritalama ve tedavisi alanında küresel birlik ve ittifak kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üsküdar Üniversitesi'nin de destek verdiği zirvede, dünyanın farklı ülkelerinden birçok bilim insanı, beyin haritalama, görüntüleme ve matematiksel modelleme gibi birçok alanda görüş alışverişinde bulunmuştur. Zirvede, nörolojik hastalıkların ekonomik ve insan kaynaklı maliyetleriyle mücadele etmek için küresel iş birliği, ortaklık, veri paylaşımı ve fon dağıtımına çağrı yapılmıştır. Fraunhofer IME Enstitüsü, Beyin Haritalama ve Terapi Derneği, Beyin Haritalama Derneği ve Ulusal Nanobiyoelektronik Merkezi gibi kuruluşların katılımıyla klinik translasyonel nörobilimde küresel iş birliğinin genişletilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Zirvede beyin haritalama ve görüntüleme, konektomik, matematiksel modelleme ve yapay zeka terapötik alanları ele alınmış, yeni tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerinin hızla uygulamaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Nörolojik hastalıkların yüksek maliyetleri vurgulanmış ve bu konuda küresel iş birliğinin önemi belirtilmiştir. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan ve diğer konuşmacılar, beyin hastanesi kavramı, nöro-teknolojik girişimler için iş geliştirme merkezi ve psikik nörobilimin geleceği gibi konularda sunumlar yapmışlardır. SBMT'nin son 15 yıldır küresel beyin girişimlerinin öncülüğünü yaptığı ve Obama'nın BEYİN Girişimi'nin oluşturulmasında ve desteklenmesinde kilit rol oynadığı belirtilmiştir.

The 4th G20 Brain Initiative/Neuroscience summit will be held in Germany within the scope of global unity and alliance in Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. At the summit, which Üsküdar University also supports, many scientists from different countries of the world will discuss many fields such as brain mapping, imaging, mathematical modeling in all aspects.

The 20 scientists at the Neuroscience - G20 Summit are calling for Global Collaboration, Partnership, Data Sharing and Distribution of Funds to Combat the Economic and Human Costs of Neurological Disorders.

Uskudar University, Fraunhofer IME Institute, Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Association, Brain Mapping Association and National Center for Nanobioelectronics will come together in Hamburg, Germany to expand global collaboration in clinical translational neuroscience as part of the G20 Neuroscience summit.

Prof. Dr. Carsten Claussen, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute in Hamburg, member and Acting President of the SBMT, said: "The SBMT's Neuroscience-20 Initiative is a truly impressive approach to building global consortia of Brain Initiatives and creating a united front in the fight against devastating neuro-psychiatric disorders worldwide."

On July 5, 2017, the world's leading physicians, engineers, neurosurgeons, basic and clinical scientists will gather at the Empire Riverside Hotel in Hamburg, Germany for the 4th Annual N20.
Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Rector of Üsküdar University, President of SBMT Turkey and Vice President of N20; "Üsküdar University is honored to co-sponsor this extraordinary gathering of global thought leaders in Germany. We look forward to establishing multilateral partnerships with world-class scientists on the occasion of N20."

The 4th annual N20 program will cover all aspects of brain mapping and imaging, connectomics, mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence therapeutic areas for nanocorrosion, neurophotonics and genomic therapy. The program aims to exchange scientific progress in science and technology disciplines that will enable scientists to rapidly introduce new diagnostics and therapies.

Dr. Babak Kateb, Chairman and Chief Science Officer of SBMT, President of BMF, Director of NCNBE and Director of Brain Technology and Innovation Park (BTIP) said: "The human and financial cost of neurological disorders around the world is enormous. In the US alone, the cost of caring for 5.5 million Alzheimer's patients is close to 200 billion dollars a year, and this cost will be close to 1 trillion dollars in 10 years. In 2015, the cost of dementia to the world economy amounted to 818 million dollars and the care of 46.8 million patients. By 2030, these figures will be 2 trillion dollars for dementia. If dementia were a country, it would be number 18 in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)."

In this context

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan "The Future of Psychiatric Neuroscience"
Prof. Dr. Kaya Aksoy from NPISTANBUL Hospital "The Concept of Neurosurgery in the Brain Hospital",
Üsküdar University Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin "BrainPark, Business Incubation Center for Neurotechnological Startups",
NPISTANBUL Hospital Human Resources Director, Lect. Prof. Dr. Serdar Karagöz will give a speech at the symposium on the topics of "The future concept of the Brain Hospital".

SBMT has been at the forefront of building global brain initiatives over the last 15 years and was a key player in formulating and supporting Obama's BRAIN Initiative.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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