Experts warn parents about cell phones

Experts warn parents about cell phones

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Uzmanlar, çocukların 3 yaşından önce ekranla temas etmemesi gerektiği konusunda ebeveynleri uyarıyor. Çocuklarda cep telefonu kullanımının sorunlarının temelinde ebeveynlerin davranışları yatıyor; ebeveynlerin rol model olduğu vurgulanıyor ve eve geldiklerinde ilk 10-15 dakika çocuklarıyla ilgilenmeleri, iletişim kurmaları öneriliyor. Evde akıllı telefon veya tabletlerin yalnızca konuşma amacıyla kullanılması ve teknolojik cihazların kapatılması gerekiyor. Fransa'da okullarda cep telefonu kullanımı yasaklandı ve bu durum çocukların cep telefonu kullanımını doğru şekilde ele almayı gündeme getirdi. Çocukların en geç yaşta ekrana maruz kalmaları en sağlıklısı olarak belirtiliyor. 3 yaş öncesinde ekrandan uzak durmaları ve 3 yaşından sonra da kullanımının sınırlandırılması gerekiyor. Ailelerin sınırlar koyması ve çocuklarına örnek olması önemlidir; başlangıçta günlük 5-10 dakikalık kullanıma izin verilmesi ve cihazların birdenbire ellerinden alınmaması öneriliyor. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarıyla kaliteli zaman geçirmeleri, iyi iletişime sahip olmaları ve çocuklara hobiler kazandırmaları, teknolojinin doğru kullanımını öğretmeleri vurgulanıyor. Sonuç olarak çocukların cep telefonu kullanım sorunları çocuklardan değil, ebeveynlerin davranışlarından kaynaklanıyor ve sınır koyan, çocuklarıyla iletişim halinde olan ve örnek olan ebeveynler bu sorunun üstesinden daha kolay gelebiliyorlar.

Experts warn parents about cell phones: Before the age of 3, your child should not touch the screen!

Children's mobile phone usage problems stem from the behavior of their parents. Experts pointing out that parents are role models advise, "When you first come home, focus only on your children for 10-15 minutes without being interested in anything else and communicate in close contact." According to experts, smartphones or tablets should only be used for talking at home and technological devices should be turned off.

In France, cell phones are banned in schools. According to the new regulation, the use of cell phones is completely banned in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. In high schools, restrictions can be imposed according to the wishes of the high school administration. The ban in France brought the correct use of cell phones by children to the agenda.
Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Dr. Onur Noyan from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital pointed out that it is best for children to meet the screen at the latest possible age.

They should not be introduced to the screen in the first 3 years

Stating that it is important that children should never come into contact with the screen in the first 3 years of life, when brain development continues intensively and learning is at the highest level, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan made the following evaluations regarding the use of computers, phones and tablets:

"It is not possible to say a clear age limit for cell phone use. Although some studies indicate that it is necessary not to use cell phones, tablets or the internet until school age, it is not very possible in practice. It would be healthiest for children to meet the screen at the latest possible age. In the first 3 years of life, when brain development is intensive and learning is at the highest level, it is important that they do not come into contact with the screen. After the age of 3, their use should be ensured with restrictions within certain limits."

Absolute limits should be set

Stating that family attitudes are important in limiting the use of phones or computers, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "Families should strictly follow these limits and set an example for their children to take control of themselves. At first, use should be allowed in daily periods of 5-10 minutes. Tablets or phones should not be taken from children's hands suddenly. It is healthy to let them leave them on their own by indicating that the time is over," he advised.

Families should set an example

Stating that children and young people primarily need boundaries, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "Families and schools should have the same perspective on this issue. It is almost impossible for a child to keep himself away from technology when it is constantly at hand. In this regard, families should intervene and impose limitations. When we consider that parents are role models for children, a child who sees his/her parents constantly taking care of the phone in his/her hand cannot think that phone/tablet use is an inappropriate behavior. In this context, first of all, parents should be role models for their children."

Only take care of your child when you come home

Pointing out the importance of parents' communication with their children, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan listed his recommendations as follows

"When parents first come home, they should focus only on their children for 10-15 minutes without being interested in anything else and communicate in close contact. Afterwards, if possible, smartphones or tablets should not be used except for conversation purposes.

Technological devices should be turned off after a certain time at home. The more quality the time spent with children, the stronger the communication with children. Children with good communication will become self-confident individuals and will have less need for the internet and social media.

Let your child have a hobby

Today, instead of banning technology and the internet altogether, we need to teach our children to use it within the rules. We need to raise young people who have hobbies and play sports in a safe environment of friends. In this regard, if necessary, it may be considered to offer courses on technology and internet use in schools.
In conclusion, children's mobile phone usage problems are not caused by the children themselves, but by the behavior of their parents. Parents who are more sensitive about this issue, who set limits, who are in communication with their children and who set an example for their children will easily overcome this problem."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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