Expert Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan Özcanlı answered your questions

Expert Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan Özcanlı answered your questions

Content Summary

Çocuk oyunları fiziksel ve zihinsel gelişimde önemli bir rol oynar. Uzman klinik psikolog Leyla Arslan'a göre, oyun çocukların kendilerini en basit ve en doğru şekilde ifade etme fırsatı buldukları bir alandır. Oyun, çocuğun gelişim aşamalarına uygun olmalı, eğlenceli ve öğretici olmalıdır. Oyun çocuğun bireyselliğini geliştirmesine, sosyal becerilerini artırmasına ve ebeveynlerle güçlü bir bağ kurmasına yardımcı olur. Anne ve baba, çocuğun oyunlarına katılım göstermeli, onların ilgi alanlarını gözlemlemeli ve oyun sürecine aktif olarak dahil olmalıdır. Oyun zamanı belirlenmeli, gerekli malzemeler hazırlanmalı ve ebeveynler çocuklarıyla göz teması kurarak, tüm varlıklarıyla oyuna katılmalıdır. Oyun, özbakım ve öz yönetim becerilerinin öğretilmesi için de kullanılabilir. Doğa yürüyüşleri, farklı aktiviteler ve sosyal oyunlar çocuğun gelişimini destekler. Ebeveynlerin sabırlı, anlayışlı ve destekleyici bir tutum sergilemeleri, çocuğun mutlu ve sağlıklı bir birey olarak yetişmesinde oldukça önemlidir.

Childhood games play an important role in physical and mental development. For this reason, you can find out what you should pay attention to when your children play in the rest of the article.

Leyla Arslan, an expert clinical psychologist from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, draws attention to the place and importance of play in child development. Stating that children find the opportunity to express themselves in the simplest and most accurate way through play, Arslan explains the effects of play on child development.


Play has a very important place in a child's life. Today's mothers are aware of this and ask their children how to play. They know that the games they play when they are young can be a sign of the profession they will choose when they grow up. Then they should ask themselves the following question: How do they plan to plan their children's careers in the future? How are their children's interests developing, do they like to engage, do they prefer to watch, do they play alone, can they cooperate, compete, establish parallel relationships, learn the rules of the game and adapt? We can find answers to these questions while our child is playing.


The most important thing we should pay attention to in games that help us communicate directly with the child is to know the child's developmental stages and to be able to get down to their level. Because the child can only enjoy a game that is appropriate for his/her level, have fun as he/she enjoys, learn as he/she learns, develop as he/she learns, become liberated as he/she develops, gain self-confidence, become ready for systematic learning and not feel inadequate.

"Play is the area where the child expresses himself/herself in the simplest and most accurate way. The game should be played not only with the mother but also with the father."


Play can be a tool for educating the child, but it can also help to build a strong relationship with the parent. If the mother wishes, she can even turn the habits she has difficulty with into a game. For example, she can make the plate, spoon and food talk through drama while eating and develop the child's innate sense of empathy. They can use music while going to sleep. They can create fairy tales and the child completes the end.


At the same time, positive feelings develop between mother and child. The mother's affectionate, less controlling attitude, allowing the child to direct the play, creates a strong and happy relationship between mother and child. What needs to be considered is a balanced relationship. Neither the child nor the mother should completely dominate the play. The child should learn to be an individual in play.


-Allocate a standard play time each day and make preliminary preparations. Prepare the necessary tools for play, establish eye contact and be present with your whole body and mind.

-Know their likes and dislikes, know the gains of the game you want to teach. What you play, what you gain, which type of intelligence you develop. Do it by noticing. It is important to develop their hands and language. You can teach self-care and self-management through games.

-Give importance to street games, first support physical development, then social development. After the age of 4, if you enable them to play with their friends at home by following the rules you set, their social skills will increase.

-Taking walks in nature and informing them about the things you see, teaching them how to make fire, swim, ride horses, use arrows according to their age, supports the development of all their intelligence.

-Asking for their opinion in choosing a game, allowing them to make additions and subtractions, being patient, not getting bored with repetitions, talking, listening, celebrating, being kind, trusting are our responsibilities that we should not avoid in order to raise a good and happy individual.


Not only the mother should play with the child, but also the father. It is ideal to play alternately with mom and dad.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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