Expectation of being presentable triggers social phobia

Expectation of being presentable triggers social phobia

Content Summary

Uzmanlar, sunulabilir olma beklentisinin, daha yüksek bir sosyal seviyede performans gösterme baskısı yarattığını ve "sunulabilir olanlar hayatta kalacak, olmayanlar yok olacak" mantığının yanlış olduğunu belirtiyorlar. Bu beklentinin büyük şehirlerde daha yüksek olduğunu vurguluyorlar. Sosyal fobiye yol açan bu baskı, kişinin kendisini başkalarının gözünde utandırma korkusuyla başa çıkmasına neden oluyor. Bu durum, özellikle iş dünyasında ve büyük şehirlerde daha yoğun yaşanıyor; kırsal alanlarda ise doğallık daha önemli. Sunulabilir olmak için yapılan estetik operasyonlar gibi çabaların hem maddi hem de manevi maliyetleri yüksek. Başarı, güç ve kariyer için suni bir görünüm yaratmaya çalışmak yerine, bireyin yetenekleri ve çabaları göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır; doğallık ve içerik, dış görünüşten daha değerlidir.

"The expectation of being presentable creates pressure to perform at a higher social level," experts warn, adding that the logic of 'those who are presentable will survive, those who are not will become extinct' is wrong. Experts note that the expectation of being presentable is also higher in cities.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Alper Evrensel said that the expectation of being presentable triggers social phobia.
Stating that the environmental expectation for the individual to be presentable causes pressure on the person, which triggers social phobia, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel said:
"Social phobia is already feeling people's gaze on you. There is a fear of whether I will be disgraced, whether I will do something embarrassing. The expectation of being presentable creates pressure to perform higher socially. In this case, it is as if there is an obligation to be liked by the other person and to achieve success. Patients with social phobia lose their comfort among people they know in an unfamiliar society.

The person becomes stressed and anxious

If a person has to be presentable due to his/her profession, he/she will feel as if he/she has to be even more flashy, skillful, impressive, charismatic in front of people he/she does not know, so he/she gets stressed before his/her performance and his/her anxiety level rises. When the anxiety level rises, his/her face turns red, his/her whole body sweats, especially his/her face, his/her voice trembles, his/her head turns, his/her mouth becomes dry and he/she becomes unable to speak. If he/she thinks that this appearance is noticed by his/her interlocutor, the problems increase even more and a vicious circle is entered. After that, they may fall even lower than their normal success."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel stated that this feeling is experienced more intensely especially in those living in big cities and said, "The expectation of being presentable is experienced more in big cities like Istanbul. Because this expectation is more prominent in business circles and plazas. In rural areas and villages, no one is interested in whether a person is presentable or not. Naturalness is more important there. Unnatural, contrived behaviors are not accepted. Therefore, people with social concerns are very comfortable in rural areas."

Plastic surgery is performed to look good

Stating that plastic surgery is performed to look good, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel said, "Unfortunately, people pay a high price for this cause! Both the financial cost and the spiritual cost of being presentable are quite heavy. In order to display a more beautiful, more attractive, more impressive, more impressive, more business-oriented, more confidence-inspiring appearance in the eyes of the society, both your appearance and your behavior must be carefully arranged. All this requires both expense and a great deal of effort. In big cities and business circles, those who are presentable are seen to be more successful and have a better career and higher income, which attracts people in this direction. So people are subject to a kind of natural selection. It is as if 'those who are presentable will survive, those who are not will become extinct'. Of course, this logic is not correct at all."

Artificial appearance, artificiality is repulsive

Stating that every person has a different character, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel noted that in addition to the external appearance, the individual's equipment and abilities are also important and said the following:

"One should not strive for an artificial appearance in order to make oneself look different from oneself just for success, power, career and wealth. Because human nature wants the natural. Artifice is repulsive. It is not right to try to cover an empty content with a fancy package. Employers should look at the equipment and efforts of their employees rather than their appearance. In other words, they should look at the letter in the envelope, not the envelope."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At19 June 2018
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