Electromagnetic pollution affects the future

Electromagnetic pollution affects the future

Content Summary

Hücre telefonlarından yayılan radyasyonun uzun süreli maruz kalmanın ciddi risklere yol açtığı, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından radyo frekanslı radyasyonun 2B sınıfı kanserojen olarak sınıflandırıldığı belirtiliyor. Reklamların tüketim toplumuna teşvik ederek elektromanyetik kirliliğe katkıda bulunduğu, vücudun elektromanyetik radyasyonu emdiği ve bunun baş ağrısı, migren, beyin hücresi ölümü ve hafıza kaybı gibi olumsuz etkilere yol açabileceği vurgulanıyor. Elektromanyetik kirliliğin geleceğin önemli çevre sorunlarından biri olacağı ve bu konuda daha hassas önlemler alınması gerektiği, teknolojiyi doğru kullanmanın önemi ve bağımsız ölçüm ve araştırma merkezlerinin desteklenmesi gerektiği ifade ediliyor.

From the moment you start talking on a cell phone, electromagnetic radiation starts to concentrate around the head. Stating that the level of radiation exposure increases with every millimeter the cell phone is brought closer to the head, experts underline that people who talk on cell phones for a long time are at serious risk.
Prof. Dr. Osman Çerezci, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) at Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, made important evaluations on the radiation emitted by cell phones and base stations and their effects.

Cell phones are not innocent!

"The World Health Organization announces the RF frequency radiation used by mobile phones and base stations as 'Class 2B carcinogen' on its website. No cell phone and base station can be said to be innocent in this respect." Prof. Dr. Osman Çerezci said, "It is known that safety standards will not be one hundred percent safe. Some countries are trying to protect their people from electromagnetic pollution by applying limit values far below the current limits (e.g. Switzerland)."

Advertisements push the society towards electromagnetic pollution!

Prof. Dr. Osman Çerezci said, "The advertisements that are constantly made to become a consumer society actually push people into a soup pot called electromagnetic pollution in the background."
"Just as a towel absorbs water when a towel is placed in a container full of water, our body absorbs electromagnetic radiation in the same way that electromagnetic radiation is present in our environment. Since each cell of our body, which works with electricity, is an antenna sensitive to the electromagnetic waves around it, our cells are adversely affected by electromagnetic pollution. In the literature, many negative effects such as headaches, migraines, death of brain cells and memory loss are mentioned in low doses but long-term exposure to radiation. Our book "EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Pollution", which is distributed free of charge by Nilüfer Municipality, provides more extensive explanations on this subject.

The environmental problem of the future: Electromagnetic pollution!

Prof. Dr. Osman Çerezci said, "The question of 'how we can be protected' can be addressed in many ways. We, as Üsküdar University, try to raise awareness of our youth with the motto 'Let's Use Technology Correctly' in the project activities we have carried out with schools and in the seminars we give."

"Electromagnetic pollution caused by base stations and cell phones will be one of the most important environmental problems of the future. As a country, more sensitive measures should be taken in this regard. It is very nice to communicate by cell phone, but are we aware that the base stations around us send more electromagnetic radiation to provide faster communication? I wonder how many of us are aware of the radiation level inside our homes?

Can our brain, eyes and hearing organs, which are most affected by exposure to electromagnetic radiation, be compared to the price of a cell phone? Electromagnetic pollution should be scrutinized by the Ministry of Environment and Health and the work of independent measurement and research centers like us should be supported. We must be the leading country in taking measures against electromagnetic pollution."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At11 October 2018
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