Ear cotton and loud noise can cause hearing loss

Ear cotton and loud noise can cause hearing loss

Content Summary

Dünya Kulak ve İşitme Günü'nde, uzmanlar işitme kaybının hipertansiyon ve diyabet gibi sistemik hastalıkların yanı sıra tedavi edilmeyen orta kulak enfeksiyonlarından da kaynaklanabileceğini vurguladılar. İşitme kayıpları iletim tipi, sensörinöral tip ve karma tip olmak üzere üç kategoriye ayrılır. Doğuştan işitme kaybı 1000 bebekten 1-3'ünde görülür ve genetik veya genetik olmayan faktörlere bağlı olabilir. Genetik olmayan nedenler arasında annede hamilelik döneminde geçirilen kızamıkçık, kızamık, toksoplazma ve kabakulak gibi enfeksiyonlar, ototoksik ilaç kullanımı, erken doğum, doğum sırasında oksijen yetersizliği ve kan uyuşmazlığına bağlı sarılık sayılabilir. Diğer sensörinöral işitme kaybı nedenleri arasında ani sensörinöral işitme kaybı, yaşlanmaya bağlı işitme kaybı, gürültüye bağlı işitme kaybı ve Meniere hastalığı yer alır. Tedavi, işitme kaybına neden olan hastalığın tespiti sonrasında durumuna göre belirlenir. Bazı durumlarda tıbbi tedavi, cerrahi müdahale (örneğin, havalandırma tüpü uygulaması) veya işitme cihazları kullanılabilir. Kulak sağlığını tehdit eden faktörler arasında kirli havuz suyu, kulak kanalını sert cisimlerle temizleme alışkanlığı, kulak pamuğu kullanımı, travmalar, orta kulak enfeksiyonlarının yetersiz tedavisi, orta kulak iltihabının geç tespiti, hamilelikte annenin maruz kalabileceği enfeksiyonlar, gürültü, yüksek sesle müzik dinleme, ototoksik ilaçlar ve hipertansiyon ile diyabet gibi sistemik hastalıklar yer almaktadır. Kulak sağlığını korumak için genel temizlik ve sağlık kurallarına uyulmalı, uzman tavsiyeleri takip edilmeli ve işitme sorunları olan çocuklar bir uzmana gösterilmelidir.

Stating that systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes can cause hearing loss, experts emphasize that untreated middle ear infections should not be neglected.

March 3, the birth date of the inventor of the telephone, Scottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell, is celebrated every year as World Ear and Hearing Day due to his work for the hearing impaired.

ENT Specialist Prof. Dr. Murat Topak from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital pointed out the importance of ear health. Stating that the causes of hearing loss are various, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said that hearing losses are classified as "conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and combined hearing loss".

Congenital hearing loss is seen in 1-3 out of a thousand babies

Stating that conductive hearing losses are hearing losses that occur in diseases of the external auditory canal-ear membrane and middle ear, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Sensorineural hearing losses occur in diseases that damage the inner ear structures and the auditory nerve. Congenital sensorineural hearing loss in children is a separate group in terms of its importance. The incidence is 1-3 per 1000 babies. Congenital hearing losses are divided into two as genetic and non-genetic hearing losses."

Attention to diseases during pregnancy

Prof. Dr. Murat Topak listed the causes of non-genetic hearing loss as follows: "Infections such as rubella, measles, toxoplasma, mumps that the mother had during pregnancy. The mother's use of ototoxic drugs (damaging the inner ear structures) during pregnancy, premature birth, oxygen deprivation of the baby during birth, jaundice due to blood incompatibility can be counted."

Hearing loss due to old age and noise also occurs

Stating that other causes of sensorineural hearing loss include sudden sensorineural hearing loss, hearing loss due to aging, noise-induced hearing loss, Meniere's Disease, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Conduction type, sensorineural type or combined type hearing loss can be seen after head traumas where the ear bone is damaged."

Middle ear infections should not be neglected

Stating that a treatment program is determined according to the situation after the disease causing hearing loss is detected, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Hearing loss can be corrected by removing the plug with a small intervention in serum plugs. Hearing loss can be corrected with medical treatment in external auditory canal infections and middle ear infections. In sudden hearing loss, hearing loss can be improved with medication to be applied without delay."

It is treated with surgery

Stating that it is possible to correct hearing loss with surgery in some ear diseases, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Middle ear infections with effusion can be treated with ventilation tube application. Eardrum tears, hearing loss due to chronic otitis media, calcifications between the middle ear ossicles and otosclerosis can be counted. Hearing aids can be used to eliminate the hearing loss in the case of sensorineural hearing loss. In children with congenital hearing loss, hearing loss is initially tried to be corrected with a hearing aid, and if the hearing aid fails to achieve results, it is possible to provide hearing with Cochlear Implant application."

Do not use ear cotton

Prof. Dr. Murat Topak, who also mentioned the situations that threaten ear health, warned, "Dirty pool water, the habit of cleaning the external auditory canal with hard objects, ear cotton, traumas, inadequate treatment of middle ear infections, late detection of middle ear catarrh, infections that the mother may be exposed to during pregnancy, noise, listening to music with loud headphones, ototoxic drugs, systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension threaten ear health."
Stating that general cleaning and health rules should be followed to protect ear health, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "The cleanliness of pool water should be checked. Hard objects and cotton swabs should not be inserted into the external auditory canal."

Children with hearing problems should be shown to a physician

Stating that children suspected of having a problem with their hearing should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Ear infections should be treated in a timely and adequate manner. Findings such as ear discharge and bleeding should be taken seriously. Those working in noisy environments should use protective headphones and not listen to music at high volumes with headphones. It is necessary not to use medication without consulting a physician, and not to think that if I wear a hearing aid, I will be revealed as old."
Stating that the recommendations of the physician should be followed in ear diseases that require follow-up in their treatment, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "In those who use ototoxic drugs, a physician's examination and, if necessary, audiological examination is appropriate."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At05 March 2018
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