Cyberbullying kills

Cyberbullying kills

Content Summary

Çevrimiçi şiddet, özellikle gençleri ve çocukları tehdit eden ciddi bir sorundur. Araştırmalar, 6-12. sınıf öğrencilerinin neredeyse yarısının en az bir kez siber zorbalığa maruz kaldığını göstermekte ve bu durumun üzüntü, korku, öfke, kaygı ve akademik başarının düşmesi gibi sonuçlara yol açtığını vurgulamaktadır. İstanbul'da yaşanan bir olayda, internet kafede tartışmanın ardından iki genç arasında çıkan kavgada biri öldü. Uzmanlar, sanal şiddet içeren oyunların ve siber zorbalığın çocuklarda ve gençlerde birçok olumsuz etkiye yol açtığını belirtmektedir. Siber zorbalık sadece gençleri değil, yetişkinleri de etkilemekte ve çeşitli şekillerde (hakaret, tehdit, özel bilgi paylaşımı vs.) ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Çocukların ve gençlerin kendilerini korumayı öğrenmeleri, ailelerin ve okulların işbirliği yapması, güvenli internet kullanımı konusunda farkındalık yaratılması ve saldırılara karşılık verilmeyip yetkililere bildirilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Siber zorbalığa maruz kalan bireylerin profesyonel yardım almaları gerekebilir.

Violence in the virtual world threatens young people and children the most. Cyberbullying kills!

Experts point out that almost half of the individuals studying in grades 6-12 have been exposed to cyberbullying at least once, and draw attention to the consequences of this situation in the form of sadness, fear, anger, anxiety, and a decrease in academic success.

In Istanbul, high school students R.A. and Yunus Emre Şahin argued in an internet cafe over the computer game Wolfteam. After swearing on social media, the two teenagers met. Yunus Emre punched R.A., who then stabbed his friend in the throat with the knife in his pocket. Şahin died in the hospital where he was taken. According to the report of Müslim Sarıyar from Gazete Habertürk, 16-year-old R.A. was detained by the police. The game Wolfteam pits werewolves against humans using the latest technology. The game, which has a high dose of violence, has an incredible weapon power.

Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said that virtual violence games have many effects on children and young people, and cyberbullying is one of them.

Almost half of adolescents have been subjected to violence

Stating that more and more people are exposed to electronic communication bullying day by day, Göğcegöz said, "Psychological damage to an individual or group with disturbing actions such as intentional humiliation, slander, gossip, harassment, threats, shaming and exclusion in the environment can be given as an example of electronic communication bullying. With the widespread use of social media, the number of people exposed to cyberbullying is increasing. Recent studies show that 20-40% of individuals in grades 6-12 have been exposed to cyberbullying at least once. These individuals develop emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, anxiety, self-blame and shame. In addition, children and young people who are victims of cyberbullying may have consequences such as decreased academic achievement, truancy or dropping out of school. Psychiatric disorders such as sleep disorders, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders can be seen in these individuals."

The number of victimized children is increasing

Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz underlined that the number of children who are cyberbullied is increasing due to the decrease in the age of smartphone and internet use all over the world and said, "According to researches; 75% of individuals aged 12-15 in Europe have a mobile phone. These rates are similar in Turkey. As a result, the number of children who are victims of cyberbullying in this age group is increasing. Many negative effects such as intense stress, anger, introversion, social withdrawal and even psychiatric disorders such as sleep disorders and depressive disorders can be seen in children who are victims of cyberbullying."

Cyberbullying also exists among adults

Emphasizing that cyberbullying negatively affects not only children and young people but also adults, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz said, "Behaviors such as mocking, teasing, threatening with offensive messages full of anger; online fighting, damage, slander, using someone else's information on the internet without permission, exclusion, cyber threats, cyber harassment, obtaining private information with fake accounts are also frequently encountered. Cyberbullies often target personal or physical characteristics. Adults can be the target of online harassment because of their political views, physical appearance, race or ethnicity. They can also be subjected to severe forms of online harassment such as physical threats, sexual harassment or stalking."

Children should learn to protect themselves

Stating that some precautions should be taken to avoid facing these dangers, Göğcegöz listed his recommendations as follows:
"Families should cooperate with teachers and schools. It is important to inform families about infrastructure measures related to safe internet. Without violating the child's individual boundaries, it should be tried to observe their sharing in the virtual environment and a healthy communication should be established. It is important to raise children's awareness and inform them about points such as not sharing private information in the virtual environment, not keeping the profile open to everyone, not sharing provocative content."

Attacks should not be responded to, the competent authorities should be contacted

Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Göğcegöz also stated that those who are exposed to cyberbullying should be alert to emotional changes such as various behavioral changes, introversion, tension, sadness or anger, especially after internet use, and said, "In case of cyberbullying, it is important not to respond to attacks, to keep examples and evidence of bullying and to report them to the competent authorities if necessary. It is also important for social media users to set the privacy and security settings of their accounts so that people they do not know cannot follow them and see their profile details, and not to share important information without making sure of the identity of the people who send private messages. It should not be forgotten that individuals exposed to cyberbullying may need professional help and guidance should be provided."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 February 2018
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