Cough, weight loss and fever can be signs of tuberculosis

Cough, weight loss and fever can be signs of tuberculosis

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Tüberküloz (verem), öksürme, kanlı balgam, kilo kaybı ve ateş gibi belirtilerle karakterize bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır. Tedavi süreci, enfeksiyonun yerleşim yerine bağlı olarak 9-12 ay arasında sürebilir ve çoklu antibiyotik kullanımı ile doktor kontrolünü gerektirir. Hastalığın etkeni, çoğunlukla solunum yoluyla alınan ve bu yolla yayılan tüberküloz basil'idir; ancak sindirim yoluyla da bulaşabilir ve farklı belirtiler gösterebilir. En yaygın görülen türü akciğer tüberkülozu olup, lenf bezlerinde şişlik gibi semptomlara da yol açabilir. Aşılama, tüberküloza karşı önemli bir koruma sağlar ve tedavi edilmeyen vakalarda organ yetmezliği nedeniyle ölüm görülebilir. Tüberküloz, yüksek bulaşıcılığı ve tedavi zorluğu nedeniyle önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur.

Tuberculosis, commonly known as tuberculosis, is characterized by cough, bloody sputum, weight loss and fever. Noting that vaccination is effective in preventing tuberculosis, experts point out that the treatment process can sometimes last between 9-12 months. According to experts, multiple antibiotic use and physician control are essential during the treatment process.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran said that tuberculosis, popularly known as tuberculosis, is a difficult disease to treat because it is contagious.


Prof. Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran stated that although tuberculosis has the potential to cause disease anywhere in the body, pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common and said, "It is a public health problem that is very difficult to treat and requires a long period of time due to its high rate of contagiousness and the characteristics of the causative microbe. It is an important problem even in developed countries today due to the spread of other diseases that defeat the immune system and widespread migration. However, even if it requires long-term treatment, it is not incurable."

Pay attention to these symptoms!

Stating that the most prominent symptom of the disease is cough, bloody sputum production and weight loss, Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran said that the causative microbe is 'tuberculosis bacillus'. Başaran gave the following information about the symptoms:

"Since the causative microbe is mostly taken into the body through the respiratory system and spreads through the same route, the symptoms are usually cough, bloody expectoration, weight loss and fever. However, in some cases, if the causative microbe is ingested through the digestive tract, it may present with completely different symptoms. Apart from the lungs, the most common site of infection is the neck lymphatic system and is characterized by swelling in the neck."

It can also be transmitted through the digestive tract

Stating that the causative microorganism is not single and the most common member is M. Tuberculosis, Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran said, "However, it is caused by microbacteria. The causative microorganism can be transmitted through the respiratory tract, digestive tract or skin."


Treatment takes a long time

Noting that the treatment process after the diagnosis of tuberculosis is important, Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran said: "The treatment process requires long-term and multiple antibiotic use and strict controls by the physician. Depending on the organ involved, there is a treatment process lasting 9-12 months. 3-4 antibiotics may need to be used together."

Can be prevented with vaccine

Stating that significant protection can be achieved with vaccination, Dr. Başaran stated that vaccination against tuberculosis is within the regular vaccination scheme in countries where the disease is widely seen. Dr. Yakup Hakan Başaran said, "In untreated patients, death can often be observed as a result of organ failure. In a small group of patients, the body defense system can limit the disease, but in the following years, the disease may become more severe and active."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 November 2018
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