Collaboration between Logos and Üsküdar University

Collaboration between Logos and Üsküdar University

Content Summary

Logos Psikolojik Konuşma Merkezi Direktörü Terane Mammadova, Türkiye'deki Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan ile eğitim ve sağlık alanlarında iş birliği geliştirme anlaşması imzaladı. Anlaşmanın ardından Üsküdar Üniversitesi ve NPISTANBUL Hastanesi temsilcileri, Logos'un davetlisi olarak Bakü'yü ziyaret etti. Ziyaret kapsamında şehitlik ve anıtlar gezildi, Logos şubeleri tanıtıldı ve iş birliğinin detayları ATV kanalındaki "Hekimsen de" programında ele alındı. Konuklar Bakü ve Logos hakkında olumlu görüşler belirterek iş birliğinin kısa sürede sonuç vereceğini ifade etti.

Within the scope of the agreement between Logos Psychological Speaking Center and Uskudar University in Turkey, Terane Mammadova, the director of Logos Center, met with Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, the Rector of Uskudar University in Istanbul.

At the previous meeting, an agreement on the development of education and health opportunities was signed and the date of the first meetings was determined. After the agreement, Üsküdar University and NPISTANBUL Hospital were hosted by Logos in Baku with the invitation of Logos.


Before the meeting, the martyrs' cemetery and the monument of Turkish martyrs were visited. While the guests were informed about Baku, the branches of Logos were visited. Later, in the program "Hekimsen de" broadcast on ATV channel, this agreement made by Logos was discussed and future plans were announced.

The guests expressed their good opinion about Baku and Logos and said that they would see the good results of this agreement in a short time. After the meetings, the guests were presented with gifts related to our national traditions.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At18 July 2018
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