Biofuel cell generating electricity with human neural stem cells" developed

Biofuel cell generating electricity with human neural stem cells" developed

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi, Sabancı Üniversitesi ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi'nden akademisyenlerin ortak bilimsel çalışmasıyla geliştirilen biyoyakıt pili için Avrupa Patenti başvurusu yapılmıştır. Bu pil, bilimsel çalışmalarda model olarak kullanılan sinir hücre hatlarından tasarlanmış olup, yüksek elektrik enerjisi üretmekte ve bu enerjiyle LED ampulleri yakabildiği kanıtlanmıştır. Araştırma ekibi, insan kök hücrelerini kullanarak bu biyoyakıt pilini geliştirmiştir. Ekip, bu başarının yenilenebilir enerjiye milli katkı sağlayacağına inanmakta ve yeni patent başvuruları için çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

A European Patent application has been filed for the biofuel cell developed by academics from Üsküdar University, Sabancı University and Yıldız Technical University in a joint scientific collaboration.

In a joint study carried out by Prof. Dr. Belkıs Atasever Aslan, faculty member of Üsküdar University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Prof. Dr. Tunç Çatal, faculty member of Üsküdar University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and Director of PROMER; Assoc. Dr. Fevzi Çakmak, faculty member of Sabancı University, Department of Materials Engineering; and Assoc. Dr. Erhan Akdoğan, faculty member of Yıldız Technical University, Department of Mechatronics; a biofuel cell was developed with human stem cells.

European Patent application filed

A European Patent application has been filed for a biofuel cell designed from neural cell lines used as a model in scientific studies, which produces high electrical energy and has been proven to burn LED bulbs with this energy.

We are proud that the project has turned into a product

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Belkıs Atasever Aslan, who is currently a visiting faculty member at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine in Chicago for neurophysiology studies, said: "The model we have developed can be applied to electronic devices. We are happy and proud to see that this work, which we have been carrying out for many years with our multidisciplinary team, has turned into a successful biotechnology product. We are also working on the other model for which we will apply for a patent."

PROMER Laboratories in Renewable Energy

Stating that R&D studies in the field of renewable energy production with microorganisms have been carried out in the laboratories of Istanbul Protein Research Development and Innovation Center (PROMER) for years, Prof. Dr. Tunç Çatal, Founding Director of PROMER, stated that such a study using human cell culture lineage has been achieved for the first time and that the LED bulb illumination with the system developed for application is promising in terms of its contribution to our national energy needs.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 December 2018
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