Beware of psychological pain

Beware of psychological pain

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Üsküdar Üniversitesi Psikiyatri Uzmanı Dr. Barış Önen Ünsalver'e göre, fizyolojik nedenlerden kaynaklanan ağrıların yanı sıra psikolojik ağrı da önemlidir. Ağrı beyinde işlenir ve anlam kazanır; bu nedenle kronik ağrıların psikolojik nedenleri olabilir. Kronik ağrı (6 aydan uzun süren) kişide davranış değişikliklerine (kas gerginliği, uyku bozukluğu, hareket ve düşüncede yavaşlama, sosyal içe çekilme gibi) yol açar. Ağrı depresyon ve anksiyete bozukluklarına neden olabilir veya bunların bir belirtisi olabilir (örneğin, yaşlılarda yaygın vücut ağrısı depresyon belirtisi, çocuklarda karın ağrısı ve baş ağrısı depresyon belirtisi olabilir, panik bozuklukta ise kalp ağrısı yaşanır). Ağrı uykuyu bozar ve bu da ağrıyı şiddetlendirir. Tedavi için ilaç tedavisi yanında psikoterapi de gereklidir, çünkü ilaç beyindeki kimyasal dengeyi düzeltirken, psikoterapi kişiye özel yaklaşımlar sunar.

Beware of psychological pain

Sometimes the cause of pain can be psychological. Neglected pain brings many diseases... Üsküdar University Faculty Member and Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Önen Ünsalver underlines that pain, which often occurs for physiological reasons, is also closely related to psychiatry.


Stating that there is a very close relationship between pain and psychiatry, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ünsalver said: "Pain is an unpleasant experience that disturbs people but often indicates a danger in the body. Everyone's reaction to pain is different, sometimes even the same person may perceive a painful stimulus differently at different times. Pain is carried by nerve endings to the brain, where it is processed, evaluated and reacted to, so it can be said that pain is experienced in the brain and takes on meaning. Whatever the cause of the pain, the brain is where the pain is experienced.


Sometimes a person feels pain for no apparent reason, sometimes there is a greater or lesser reaction to a painful stimulus than usual, or sometimes pain continues to be felt even if the painful structure is surgically removed. When we look at the relationship between pain and psychiatry, especially chronic painful conditions can cause psychiatric pictures, and some psychiatric pictures have an important place among the causes of pain.


In chronic pain lasting longer than 6 months, people exhibit chronic pain behavior. Pain behavior changes depending on the severity, frequency, duration and degree of disability caused by the pain. Symptoms such as tension, sleep disturbances, excessive preoccupation with the body, slowing down in movements and thinking, burnout, sexual reluctance and withdrawal from society are observed.



Pain can cause depression. Pain is also one of the symptoms of depression. In the elderly, widespread body pain is an important symptom of depression. In children and adolescents, abdominal pain and headaches are among the symptoms of depression.


Pain can cause anxiety. Anxiety can also cause pain. In panic disorder, the person experiences heart pain.


Pain disrupts sleep, and stress due to insomnia exacerbates the pain, causing a vicious cycle. It causes somatic disorders Sometimes a person expresses an unconscious or previous psychological conflict with physical symptoms. Psychiatry specialist Ünsalver from Feneryolu Polyclinic gave the following information: "Pain should be a part of the treatment. Psychotherapy has a place in pain treatment along with medication. An eclectic approach is required. Medication helps to restore the chemical balance in the brain. In psychotherapy, personalized approaches are used.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At06 July 2018
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