Attention to those with rheumatism

Attention to those with rheumatism

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Romatizma, eklemlerin aşırı yıpranması nedeniyle oluşan ve kişinin yaşam kalitesini düşüren bir hastalıktır. Vücuttaki tüm eklemleri etkileyebilse de en sık diz, parmak ve kalça eklemlerini etkiler. Kadınlarda erkeklere göre daha sık görülür. Romatizma, 100'den fazla farklı hastalığı kapsayan genel bir terimdir ve eklemlerde şişme, kızarıklık, sıcaklık artışı veya hareket kısıtlılığı gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Romatizmanın iki temel tipi vardır: inflamatuar ve inflamatuar olmayan. İnflamatuar romatizmalarda mikrobik enfeksiyonlar, kusurlu bağışıklık sistemi veya ürik asit kristalleri gibi faktörler rol oynar. İnflamatuar olmayan romatizma ise genellikle eklemlerde aşınma ve kıkırdak kaybıyla karakterizedir (osteoartrit). Romatizmanın teşhisi ve tedavisi için doktora başvurmak şarttır. Fizik tedavi ve gerektiğinde, doktor kontrolünde spa tedavisi faydalı olabilir; spa tedavisi vücut direncini artırır ve genel durumu iyileştirir. Belirtiler sabah saatlerinde ve soğuk, nemli havalarda kötüleşebilir ancak yılın her mevsiminde görülebilir. Hem hareketsiz hem de aşırı aktif yaşam tarzı romatizma riskini artırır.

Rheumatism affects knees and fingers the most! Rheumatism affects the knees and fingers the most. NPISTANBUL Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer explained...

Rheumatism, which occurs due to excessive wear and tear of the joints, reduces the quality of life of the person. In rheumatism, which can affect all joints in the body, knees, fingers and hips are most commonly affected. Women are more likely to develop rheumatism than men. Spa treatment in rheumatism can increase body resistance and improve the general condition. Experts point out that spa treatment will be effective together with physical therapy if necessary under the control of a physician.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer shared important information about rheumatism, which reduces the quality of life of the patient.

There are more than 100 types of rheumatism

Stating that the word rheumatism comes from the Greek root "rheuma", Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "This word means "flow", that is, "movement". Rheumatism is a very general term and is used to refer to pain around bones, muscles and joints, as well as swelling, redness, increased temperature or restriction of movement. Rheumatism is not just one disease, but more than 100 diseases, some of which are common and some of which are quite rare. The word meaning of arthritis is inflammation seen in one or more joints in the body, joint destruction seen for different reasons, "he said.

Injury becomes easier as we get older

Stating that the general cause of rheumatism is the wear and tear of the joints, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said:
"Joints are structures that connect one bone to another, allowing the bones to move freely. At the end of the bones, the joints are covered with a hard, rubbery material called cartilage. As we age, this articular cartilage becomes more easily damaged due to frequent use or after injuries. This weakness causes the immune system to target those parts. In the long term, other tissues can also be affected. However, joints are usually the most affected. The exact factors that cause this condition are not known. Some researchers argue that infection with viruses or bacteria triggers the disease. The main cause of rheumatic pain is that the immune system attacks healthy tissues (autoimmune)."

Pay attention to these findings in rheumatism!

Pointing out that the findings in arthritis and rheumatism vary greatly depending on the type of arthritis or rheumatism the person has, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "However, the following findings may generally suggest that you have arthritis or rheumatism" and listed them as follows:

"Swelling in one or more joints,
Rigidity around the joints,
Redness and increased temperature in the joints,
Persistent or recurrent pain in the joints
Difficulty moving or using the joint."
Knees are most commonly affected

Stating that while any joint in the body can be affected in rheumatism, knees, fingers and hips are most commonly affected, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may also have mild fever, loss of appetite and fatigue. Arthritis symptoms tend to worsen in the morning, sometimes in cold and humid weather."

More likely to be seen in women

Pointing out that rheumatism can affect anyone at any age, however, women are more likely to develop these diseases than men, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer warned, "Both sedentary people, that is, those who use their muscle joints very little, and those who use their joints excessively are at risk for muscle-joint disease."

There are two types of rheumatism

Stating that there are basically two types of rheumatism, inflammatory and non-inflammatory, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer stated that inflammatory ones are divided into three and gave the following information:
"Microbial rheumatisms that occur when microbes sit in the joint: Various microbes such as staphylococci, streptococci and tuberculosis bacilli cause this rheumatism.
Non-microbial inflammation caused by a defective immune system: The most important rheumatisms caused by this type of inflammation are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and collagen diseases, which cause diffuse connective tissue inflammation. The best-known example of this last group is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Another type of inflammation is inflammation caused by uric acid and other crystals sitting in joints and various tissues and irritating them. Gout and pseudo-gout have this type of inflammation."

Non-inflammatory rheumatism: Osteoarthritis

Stating that the most important non-inflammatory rheumatism is arthrosis or calcification, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "There is no inflammation in the joint in arthrosis. However, there is wear. The cartilage inside the joint becomes thinner and disappears, and bone protrusions form on the edges of the joints. Traumas (accident, impact) mechanical causes, metabolic and psychological disorders are the most important causes of non-inflammatory rheumatism."

It can be seen in every season

Stating that arthritis findings tend to worsen in the morning, sometimes in cold and humid weather, Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "However, it can be seen in all seasons and geographies. They usually go with periods of exacerbation and recovery. Both hot and cold treatment can be used according to the stage of the patient."

Physician should be consulted

Stating that rheumatism patients benefit from cold treatment during acute flare-ups and hot treatment in the chronic phase, Dr. Süzer said that the physician's evaluation is essential. Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer said, "Heat treatment in rheumatic diseases can ensure the production of vitamin D in the body thanks to sunlight and positively affect the patient psychologically. Nevertheless, it is correct to consult a physician first."

Spa treatment is effective with physical therapy

Dr. Aydın Ender Süzer also gave the following information about the place of hot springs or thermal waters in treatment: "The utilization of the therapeutic effects of hot, mineral underground waters in the form of baths or partial baths is called spa treatment or balneotherapy. Spa treatment can increase body resistance, improve general condition, reduce the patient's complaints, eliminate some of the patient's symptoms and prevent permanent damage. Under the control of a physician, spa treatment is effective together with physical therapy if necessary."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At31 July 2018
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