Attention to early intervention in clotting

Attention to early intervention in clotting

Content Summary

Beyin pıhtılaşması, Kadir İnanır'ın yaşadığı rahatsızlıkla gündeme gelen ciddi bir durumdur. Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, enfeksiyonlar, tümörler ve travmalar sonucu oluşabilir. Uzmanlara göre, erken müdahale kalıcı hasarı önleyebilir. Beyin damarlarının tıkanması, genellikle kalpten gelen bir pıhtının beyin damarına ulaşmasıyla olur ve bu durum özellikle atriyal fibrilasyon gibi kalp ritm bozukluklarında, kalp protez valflerinde ve enfeksiyonlarda sık görülür. Belirtiler, felç, konuşma bozukluğu, görme kaybı ve bilinç değişiklikleri gibi çeşitli şekillerde ortaya çıkabilir. Ancak, erken tanı ve tedaviyle nörolojik hasar büyük ölçüde geri döndürülebilir. Kardiyovasküler sistem hastalıklarının düzenli takibi ve önleyici tedaviler, beyin damarlarının tıkanmasının önlenmesinde büyük önem taşır. Erken müdahale, yani ilk saatler içinde yapılan tedavi, beyin dokusuna kalıcı hasar gelmesini engellemek açısından kritik öneme sahiptir.

"Early intervention" in clotting reduces permanent damage.

Clotting in the brain, which came to the agenda with the illness suffered by the famous actor Kadir Inanir, can be caused by cardiovascular diseases, infections, tumors and traumas. According to experts who state that clotting can be prevented by taking precautions, intervention in the first hours can prevent permanent damage.
Famous actor Kadir Inanir was hospitalized due to a clot in the brain. It was learned that Inır, who was operated and his treatment in intensive care continues, is not in life-threatening condition.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurosurgeon Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa pointed out the importance of early intervention in clotting in the brain.
Stating that clotting occurs when one or more of the brain vessels is blocked by a plug formed by the clumping of blood in the cardiovascular system, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "Clotting is a condition that leads to blood supply insufficiency in a certain brain region fed by the blocked vessel and gradually loss of function of brain tissue."

Beware of heart diseases!

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that blockage of the brain vessels with a plug, also called "embolism", most commonly occurs when a clot formed in the heart comes into the brain vessel with vascular flow and said, "This usually occurs in heart rhythm disorders such as atrial fibrillation, in case of prosthetic valves in the heart, in infections. It can also be caused by plaques in the jugular veins in the neck (carotid system), trauma and tumoral conditions."

The most common symptom Loss of strength in arms and legs

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that the symptoms due to blockage of the cerebral vessels with a plug vary according to the blocked vessel and that the clinical picture varies in a wide range and said, "Sudden death can be seen in patients with very mild or even mildly affected patients who can sometimes be overlooked. The clinical picture often manifests as loss of strength / paralysis in the arms and legs, sensory disorders, speech disorders, vision loss, and consciousness effects."

Paralysis, speech and visual disturbances may occur

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that clotting can lead to various consequences and warned that "Thrombo-embolic diseases of the brain vessels can lead to neurological losses such as stroke, speech disorders, visual impairments, sensory effects and psychocognitive (perception and evaluation) disorders, systemic effects and dysfunctions in the body, and sometimes even death."

Diseases must be followed up

Stating that occlusive (thrombo-embolic) diseases of the brain vessels can be prevented with some precautions to be taken, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "It is a group of diseases that can be prevented to a large extent with the regular follow-up of the person's health checks and treatments, the recognition of diseases of the cardiovascular system or other systems, and the necessary treatments. Although the neurological damage caused by its occurrence results differently depending on the person and the degree of loss, it can be reversed to a large extent within today's medical possibilities with early diagnosis and timely and correct treatment."

Intervention in the first minutes is important

Stating that blockage of the brain vessels with a plug can be caused by cardiovascular diseases, infections, tumors, traumas, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "With the recognition of the primary disease, the occlusive disease of the brain vessels can be prevented to a large extent by performing preventive treatments. In addition, with early recognition of the disease (in the first hours), interventional interventions can be performed and the disease and its effects can be reversed before severe damage to the brain tissue occurs."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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