Anger in Children and Adolescence

Anger in Children and Adolescence

Content Summary

Çocuk ve ergenlerde öfke sorunlarının belirtileri arasında hakaret edici sözler kullanma, fiziksel şiddet, kendine zarar verme, duygularını paylaşmama, pişmanlık duyma ve öfkeyle yapılan eylemlerden sonra hedefe ulaşamama yer alır. Tedavi, oyun terapisi, bilişsel davranışçı terapi, aile terapisi ve eklektik terapi tekniklerini içerir. Tedavi sürecinde öfkenin altında yatan duygular ve düşünceler, öfkenin etkisi, öfkeye yol açan faktörler, vücudun öfkeye tepkisi, sakinleşme ve öfkeyi nötralize etme yolları, aile ve okulda öfke durumlarında yapılması gerekenler, düşünme biçiminin değiştirilmesi ve sağlıklı iletişim becerilerinin kazanımı üzerinde çalışılır. Aileler, öfkenin ne zaman, nerede ve ne sıklıkta ortaya çıktığını gözlemlemeli, krize yol açan ortamı değiştirmeli, iyi birer örnek olmalı ve şiddet uygulamamalıdır. Öfke nöbetleri sırasında sakin kalmalı, çocuğun istediği her şey yapılmamalı ve uygun şekilde açıklama yapılmalıdır. Çocuk kendi çözümünü bulmaya teşvik edilmeli ve gerekirse ortak bir çözüm aranmalıdır. Kendine veya çevresine zarar veren çocuklar için uzman desteği alınmalıdır.

What is anger problems in children and adolescents?

Anger problems in children and adolescents are situations such as feeling frustrated in the emergence of anger, reacting to injustice, anger, aggression.
Anger in children and adolescents is one of our most basic emotions, just like our other emotions. It is short-term and temporary.

What are the Symptoms of Anger Problems in Children and Adolescents?

Symptoms of anger problems in children and adolescents,

  • Use of offensive, insulting or derogatory words in anger,
  • Physical violence against the other person in the moment of anger (pushing, hitting, etc.),
  • Self-harm during anger (throwing oneself on the ground, tearing one's hair out, etc.),
  • Not sharing the emotions felt during anger,
  • Feeling regret and sorrow after actions taken in anger,
  • Failure to achieve the goal after actions taken in anger

How should anger problems in children and adolescents be treated?

While working on anger problems in children and adolescents, we work with our clients with play therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and eclectic therapy techniques.

During our sessions;

  • With the feelings and thoughts underlying anger,
  • How anger affects the child or adolescent,
  • What brings to the point of anger,
  • How your body reacts to anger,
  • How to calm down and neutralize anger,
  • What people in the family or school should do in times of anger,
  • Change the ability to think about situations and
  • Studies are being carried out on the acquisition of healthy communication skills.

How Should Parents Treat Their Children?

Families who encounter anger problems in children and adolescents should analyze their behavior well at this point. If anger problems in children and adolescents are not treated, they may become more difficult to solve in the future.

  • Families should especially monitor in which situation, where and how often anger arises.
  • If possible, it may be helpful to change the environment in which the crisis occurs.
  • Since children and adolescents often apply what they learn from their families in their own lives, it is necessary to be the right and exemplary parent.
  • Violence should not be applied to a child or adolescent in a tantrum.
  • It is very important for the mother or father to remain calm during a tantrum.
  • What is asked should not be done during the crisis. When it is done, since problem solving is learned in this way, it will be repeated in this way later on. Therefore, it is very important not to do whatever they want from an early age.
  • It should be explained to the child in an appropriate way that what he/she wants will not be done in a crisis. When communicating with young children, it is especially important to make explanations at eye level.
  • First of all, the solution to the issue can be left to the child or adolescent. When an ideal solution cannot be found, a common solution can be sought.
  • Although various methods have been tried, children and adolescents who harm themselves or their environment in long-lasting tantrums should be supported by a specialist.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 March 2023
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