Addiction is a betrayal of self

Addiction is a betrayal of self

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü ve Psikiyatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Ağustos 2018'de Paris'te düzenlenen 93. Bilim Federasyonu Bağımlılık Tedavisi ve Klinik Raporları Konferansı'na ve Madrid'de düzenlenen 8. Nörobilim ve Nöroimmünoloji Küresel Zirvesi'ne katıldı. Paris konferansında, bağımlılık psikiyatrisinde nöromodülasyon tedavilerinin geleceğini ele alan bir sunum yaptı; bağımlılığın, bir Amerikan uzmanına göre, kişinin kendine ihanet etmesi anlamına geldiğini vurguladı. Madrid zirvesinde ise bağışıklık sistemi, ruhsal hastalıklar ve sinir sistemi arasındaki nedensel ilişkiler tartışıldı; aşı karşıtlığının kızamık ölümlerini artırdığı ve metabolik sendrom tedavisinin beyin hücrelerini yenilediği gibi konular ele alındı. Prof. Dr. Tarhan, NPISTANBUL Hastanesi uzmanlarıyla birlikte, nöroimmünoloji alanındaki çalışmaları yakından takip ettiklerini ve bu alanda araştırma yaptıklarını belirtti.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who attended the 93rd Scientific Federation, Scientific Federation ABODE for Researchers - Addiction Therapy and Clinical Reports Conference held in Paris, the capital of France, came together with experts working in the field of addiction psychiatry. Making a presentation titled "Neuromodulation Treatments in Addiction Psychiatry", Prof. Dr. Tarhan underlined that a US expert defined addiction as a betrayal of oneself. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan also attended the 8th Global Summit on Neuroscience and Neuroimmunity in Madrid. In this summit, causal relationships between the immune system, mental illness and the nervous system were discussed.

Üsküdar University Rector and Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan attended two separate conferences in France and Spain.

He explained neuromodulation treatments

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who participated in the 93rd Scientific Federation, Scientific Federation ABODE for Researchers - Addiction Therapy and Clinical Reports Conference held in Paris, the capital of France, on August 23-24, 2018, made a presentation titled "What is the Promise of Neuromodulation Therapies in Addiction Psychiatry?".

Stating that he made a presentation on neuromodulation treatments in addiction psychiatry, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "We discussed the place of brain stimulation treatments in addiction treatment. It was a presentation on the future of neuromodulation treatment as a new neuroscience study using treatments such as RTMS, TDCS and ECT. It was one of the key presentations of the conference. In the 50-minute presentation, we shared our views on the future of neuromodulation treatments and brain stimulation treatments."

Addiction psychiatry experts came together

Stating that experts working on addiction psychiatry came together at the congress in Paris, Prof. Dr. Tarhan said that presentations were made on interesting topics.

Stating that alcohol addiction was discussed in a presentation from California, USA, Prof. Dr. Tarhan said, "A physician who has a clinic in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica in California, where Hollywood stars and famous names live, made a presentation. There were presentations from India and France. In France there was a presentation on cannabis addiction. There was a presentation from Ireland on smoking addiction. Focus group discussions were held on these issues. There was a mutual exchange of ideas."

Addiction is a betrayal of oneself

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that the experts from the USA who attended the conference made interesting definitions about addiction. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that in his presentation titled "Holistic Life Approaches to Understanding Addiction", Paul F. Sing defined addiction as the betrayal of oneself. Prof. Dr. Tarhan said the following:

"This expert said, 'Addiction is a betrayal of oneself. There are four betrayals in addiction. The first is betraying one's own health, the second is betraying one's family, the third is betraying society. The fourth betrays God, the creator. In addiction, a person betrays the four things entrusted to them. He made a presentation from this point of view. It was interesting at this point. Kim Peter Norman from the University of California, who attended the conference from the USA, called addiction 'the leprosy of the age'. Just as leprosy incapacitated medicine in past ages and people had to gather on an island, we are now facing the leprosy of the age as medicine. We have serious difficulties in treatments."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that important information was shared at the conference and that they plan to participate in these meetings in the coming periods.

Neuroscience-immune system relationship was discussed

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan and NPISTANBUL Hospital specialists participated in the 8th Neuroscience and Neuroimmunity Global Summit held in Madrid, Spain on August 27-28, 2018. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan made a presentation titled "Anti-NMDA Encephalitis" at the conference.

Vaccine backlash increases measles deaths

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the relationship between the immune system and neuroscience was discussed at this conference and said, "There were speakers from various parts of the world at the meeting. The speaker from Switzerland talked about the misconceptions in the world in his presentation on vaccines. The statistics he showed showed that deaths from measles increased in California because of the increase in non-vaccinators due to anti-vaccine campaigners. A presentation from Japan talked about the cell regenerating effect of the drug used in metabolic syndrome and diabetes on the brain. Treating diabetes causes the cells in the memory hippocampus region of the brain to revitalize. For this reason, he presented information that diabetics who remain untreated are more likely to develop early dementia."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that causal relationships between the immune system, mental illness and the nervous system were discussed.

The issue of neuroimmunity is very important

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who stated that the issue of neuroimmunity is very important for clinical experience, said that they are working on the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases at NPISTANBUL Hospital, the second largest brain hospital in Europe, and that they closely follow the studies in this field in the world. Stating that they carry out research studies in biochemistry and brain imaging laboratories within the university and hospital, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan noted that the Research and Development Units of the hospital and the university carry out studies, and that studies on the intestine and microbiota, which are accepted as the second brain, continue.

Prof. Dr. Tarhan said that he also received a request to take part in the organizing committee of the next meetings of the summit.

NPISTANBUL Hospital experts also participated with their presentations

In the two-day conference, Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Önen Ünsalver, "Neuroinflammation and chronic psychiatric disorders"; NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel, "Intestinal microbiota and chronic psychiatric disorders".

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At03 September 2018
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