1 in 25 people have swallowing problems!

1 in 25 people have swallowing problems!

Content Summary

Yirmi beş kişiden birinde görülen yutma güçlüğü (disfaji), yaşlılarda daha yaygın olsa da tüm yetişkinleri etkileyebilen bir sorundur. Disfaji, inme, Parkinson hastalığı, kas hastalıkları, MS, baş ve boyun kanserleri gibi diğer hastalıklarla birlikte görülebilir ve öksürme veya boğulma gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Yutma güçlüğü olan kişiler, genellikle durumu yaşlanmaya veya diğer hastalıklara bağlı doğal bir süreç olarak görüp tedavi için geç kalmaktadırlar; bu da yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkiler ve akciğer hastalıkları, kilo kaybı ve dehidratasyon gibi ikincil sorunlara yol açar. Erken teşhis hayati önem taşır ve uzman bir terapist tarafından uygulanan özel egzersiz ve tekniklerle tedavi mümkündür. Su içerken veya katı yiyecekler yutarken öksürme, boğazda takılma hissi, yemek yerken boğaz temizleme ihtiyacı, yutkunurken boğaz ağrısı, istediğiniz yiyeceklerden kaçınma ve tekrarlayan akciğer hastalığı gibi belirtiler yaşayan kişilerin uzman bir doktora başvurmaları önerilir.

1 in 25 people have swallowing problems

Swallowing disorder, which is thought to be more common in the elderly, is seen in one out of every 25 adults. Early diagnosis is important in the disease, which can be seen together with stroke (paralysis), Parkinson's, muscle diseases, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), head and neck cancers. Treatment is possible with special exercises and techniques applied by therapists specialized in swallowing problems.

Çetin Sayaca, Lecturer at Üsküdar University Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, said that one out of every 25 adults experiences dysphagia (dysphagia), which is common in the elderly.

Çetin Sayaca pointed out that dysphagia, which causes coughing or choking while drinking a sip of water, is a very common problem in the world and said the following:

"Swallowing is the safe transfer of solid and liquid food taken into the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. If some of the food ends up in the lungs instead of the stomach during this journey, it means that there is dysphagia (dysphagia). Dysphagia, which we frequently see in elderly patients, is actually a condition that one out of every 25 adults experiences but often cannot make sense of. 16 million people in the USA and over 40 million people in Europe have swallowing disorders. The number of people with swallowing difficulties in our country is not clearly known."

Stating that swallowing disorder, which seriously affects many different age groups such as children, young people, adults or the elderly, is a difficult problem to understand, Çetin Sayaca said that this condition can be treated.


Stating that although the person realizes that there is a problem, they do not think that it is a disorder, Sayaca said, "The person either attributes this situation to age or accepts it as a natural process brought on by other diseases. In general, people with swallowing disorders come to us too late for treatment because they try to fight the diseases that develop secondary to this problem. Of course, this process negatively affects the quality of life, the disease progresses and other problems are added to the picture. Due to the inability to solve the main problem of swallowing, they try to cope with diseases such as recurrent febrile lung disease, weight loss and dehydration."


Stating that dysphagia can be a harbinger of an important problem, Çetin Sayaca said, "Because dysphagia often develops due to a disease other than aging. Stroke (paralysis), Parkinson's, muscle diseases, Amyotrophiclateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), presence of tracheostomy, head and neck cancers are among the diseases it is seen with. 75% of individuals with neurological diseases, 40% of stroke patients, .1% of healthy elderly individuals and 85% of children with Cerebral Palsy have difficulty swallowing."


Çetin Sayaca said, "If you are coughing occasionally while swallowing water or solid foods, if you have a feeling of sticking in your throat, if you feel the need to clear your throat while eating, if you feel pain in your throat while swallowing, if you avoid eating the food you want and/or if you have recurrent lung disease, you may have a swallowing disorder. You should consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible."


"If you are diagnosed with a swallowing disorder, don't be upset," said Çetin Sayaca, "because there is a cure for swallowing disorder, just don't be late for diagnosis and treatment. You can get great results with special exercises and techniques applied by your therapist who specializes in swallowing problems. If you have difficulty swallowing, there is also a solution."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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