Tourette syndrome in Children

Tourette syndrome in Children


Tics begin to occur more frequently in children 6-7 years of age and later, the mild and occasional occurrence may not be a problem for the child, but should not be late for treatment if it is severe enough to impair the child's compliance and affect its functionality.


Child-family relationships in adolescence:


Adolescence is a key period in which the child gradually gets out of his old childish characteristics, enters a rapid brain structure, and steps into adulthood. During this period, children change mentally and behaviorally as well as physically. They begin to experience their emotions more intensely and have difficulty controlling them. They enter a period in which they are separate individuals and have to develop an identity. It may be difficult for mothers and fathers to get used to this new adolescent, they may notice that their children, who are small and controllable, who listen to their words, are rebelled, want to be alone and move away from them. In fact, this period is a period in which the child experiences many changes due to the restructuring of the brain, and the family has to be prepared for these changes. Parents may want to pass with their children without assessment and information to find out what to do in this period.


There are also cases where children and adolescents should be dealt with more seriously. These are the diseases that go with a great chance of the child's and adolescent's behavior, speech, and appearance. Symptoms such as the loss of knowledge and skills acquired for younger children over time, decreased speech content of the child, seem to not understand what is being said, behaving uncontrollably, leaving the house unconsciously suggest serious neurological and psychiatric diseases, and these children are hospitalized and treated. must. Conditions such as the fact that a child in adolescence is completely covered, not paying attention to cleanliness, acting as if he is constantly suspecting something, not sleeping at night, refusing to eat, also causes us to suspect serious psychiatric diseases

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