Childhood Depression

Childhood Depression


What is Childhood Depression?

Childhood depression; The expression of the person's stress is his reaction to the existing stress. Everyone expresses it differently and lives with different behaviors.


What are the symptoms of childhood depression?

• crying,

• Restlessness,

• Disturbed sleep patterns,

• Weight loss, lack of discipline,

Lack of appetite,

• The child does not make eye contact,

• Being unresponsive to stimuli,

• Does not want to do what he likes,

• Digestive problems,

• Body aches are more or less than they should be,

• Sometimes there are gas problems,

• Reactions such as throwing toys, breaking, slamming doors.


Babies and children use the language of behavior. Behavioral disorders can arise,

For example;

• Development disruption,

• The child's inability to acquire the skills that he/she should acquire in certain periods,

• delayed walking, delayed toilet habits,

• There may be delays such as disruption of motor skills.


How Does Childhood Depression Occur?

The attachment between mother and child is very important in the 0-18 month period. The formation of attachment, physical contact, eye contact includes that person's approach to the child, the relationship he has with the child. When this attachment takes place, the baby has confidence in himself and the outside world, but if this does not happen well, childhood depression or communication disorders may occur.


Can Childhood Depression Be In Any Age?

When talking about childhood depression, it is necessary to look at the word meaning of depression before going into depression in a child. Depression means mental depression. We can go into mental depression at any age. Therefore, depression or mental depression occurs in infants, school age, teens, and the elderly.


What is the Difference between Depression in Children?

Children are in the process of development, as they develop rapidly every year, different reactions are seen at different ages. Depression shows very different symptoms at different ages. This is more evident, especially in children. A 4-year-old child experiences depression and his symptom is different at this age, an 11-year-old child experiences depression, and at this age his symptom is different. Childhood depression manifests with different symptoms at each age.


What are Psychiatric Problems Associated with Childhood Depression?

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder,

• Special learning difficulties, behavior disorder,

• Oppositional-oppositional disorder,

• Depression can be seen with some physical disabilities.

It can be very linked to periods of development. Childhood depression does not always occur alone.

How Does a Depressed Child Behave?

The child who experiences depression causes restlessness and crying. Reluctance appears. Depressed children are grouchy. These children do not want to go to school and avoid being alone. Until the age of puberty, the relationship of friends is distorted. These situations may indicate that there is childhood depression.

Childhood depression varies in different periods

Different periods of development are really important for the child. We can divide the children's age into a number of periods. These are infancy, play age, school age, adolescence. There are problems with development that cause depression during these periods. The child can become depressed both due to his own deficiencies and external factors, as a result of the reflection of the existing stress on himself and accompanied by compliance problems.


Childhood Depression Is Hardly Accepted

Depression of adults is more accepted than the depression of children in society. Childhood depression is generally more difficult to accept in society. Living conditions, marriage, work problems are accepted with the idea that it can cause this, and it is often thought that babies and children do not experience depression, but depression is also experienced in these periods.


Does New Sister/ brother Cause Depression?

The second sibling sometimes causes depression and this picture is seen. The first and only kids are experiencing it a lot. The boy is here, my parents are worried that my father won't love me. Sometimes it develops a reaction to harm the brother. Sometimes it shows that he loves his brother very much. Mother and father do not believe in brotherly jealousy, but the child can experience this feeling of conflict and difficulty at the same time. Sleep problems are more or less appetite, the need for constant guidance and fears are common. These situations occur because they do not feel safe. This can reveal depression in children.


How Does Conflict Environment Affect Self-esteem?

A 15-year-old male patient had parental conflict from an early age. The boy was smart. He was affected by the events. The parents were in their troubles. Different tables appeared at different ages in the child. The boy was signaling but the family did not understand. Something was being done within the framework of their own relationships, but the husband and wife conflict was reflected on the children. Since this situation persisted, depression in the child can become resistant.

The reflections of the conflicts on the personality of the child cause bad results. The child's trust relationship had turned upside down. He has no self-confidence. The child had become a speechless, unhappy child, and not open to his parents. Children involved in these conflicts become negative towards the environment. The risk of depression, the determination and development of the personality negatively in children is high in this conflicted environment. Children who grow up in conflict families also have a high risk of being lazy. These children are candidates for adulthood incompatible with the environment. If it has a genetic background, it is important to discover it at an early age.


What Does It Mean To Mix Maternity Identity And Femininity Identity?

The emotional state of the mother, depression, depression, and unhappiness that develop after birth disrupts her connection with the child. Confusing the identity of Femininity and motherhood, problems with the spouse, not knowing how to approach the baby, the lack of stimulation provided to the child, emotional neglect, lack of fulfillment of the needs in a timely and timely manner, reveals depression.


How to Tell Depression in a Baby?

While depression manifests itself, babies are very different than adults. The difference that is overlooked in the depression of babies is that the small child cannot express himself. How to understand the depressed baby? Either the environment is disturbed by the child or the environment is troubled by his condition. In fact, the child does not experience the problem alone. As the child lives in a family system, distress affects the whole family. As a result of this impact, the child specialist psychiatrists and psychologists are consulted to get help for the child because he feels the whole family situation. Clinical application is like this. Behavioral disorders in the baby's depression should be well recognized by the family.


Does it Feel Spiritual Pressure on it?

When the school-age begins, the most frequently paid price for the depressed child is the decrease in school performance. Especially children who come to puberty cannot explain themselves very well, because they feel a mental pressure on them. It is boring that they cannot explain this pressure. Upon reaching the age of puberty, childhood problems are over, but this time the pains of growing begin. The child who has a good environment and family relationship can survive this period without problems, but if his communication with the family and the environment is not good, his self-confidence can be destroyed.


Expert Aid Is Delayed When The Problem Is Not Noticed

If parents are really sensitive and sensitive, they notice the problem in their child early, but if this equipment is not available, it is not noticed early. In families who do not know that the child's behavior does not arise voluntarily, getting expert help can be delayed. Since these families are not aware of the situation, they interfere with the child. They have violent quarrels and skirmishes. However, upon these discussions, they bring their children for clinical help.


The Family is Trying to Solve it themself First

The depressed child shows incompatibilities. He goes into various fights with the family. There are conflicts, opposites appear. Families are dealing with this problem of the child for a while. No child or adolescent is brought while in a week of depression. When you grow up, it will pass, let's wait a bit, let's take the child's kind of approach. Depression experienced by the child is confused with other clinical pictures.



Parents should also be involved in the treatment

When the depression in the child is mixed with different clinical pictures, the family looks at the event as The child is unsuccessful, not studying '. He complains about not listening. Parents mostly focus on their own discomfort and these children are brought to us late. If it is brought early, its problems will be resolved more quickly. The treatment success rate of depression is high in children. It involves working with the child and parents in the treatment planning faster. Resistive depressions are challenging if there is no parental compliance.


How Should Participation In Psychotherapy Be?

In psychotherapy, family studies are aimed at first. In these therapies, family attitudes are studied because the change of family behavior becomes important to get results. The mental health of the depressed child and the behavior of the teacher to the teacher is important at this stage. The treatment team, family, and teacher need to cooperate. The teacher should give the child confidence so that he feels safe at school. It is important that the child himself comes to psychotherapy, but this should not be limited to the child alone, he should participate in the family and the teacher.

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