Polyclinic of Psychology

Psychology is an applied field that grew out of philosophy and is constantly evolving to scientifically study human behavior. Professionals working in psychology study the psychological, biological, and sociological processes of human behavior and use various methods to explore the reasons for behavior and its effects on individuals throughout their lives. Psychology affects the entirety of a person's life and permeates every aspect of life.

Psychology, also known as the science of mind, is a branch of science that deals with behavior and the mind. It focuses primarily on the study of the emotions and thoughts of individuals, as well as behaviors that are performed consciously or unconsciously.

The field of psychology is quite broad, and individuals who specialize and conduct research in this area are called expert psychologists. Psychologists study the properties of the brain and use this information to understand emotions, mental processes, and the patterns of behavior associated with these properties.

Psychology, a social science, also encompasses the natural sciences. The study of the behavior of organisms that can be clearly observed belongs to the field of psychology. In addition to human behavior, psychology can also study animal behavior. Psychology also studies interpersonal communication, group behavior, and intergroup relations. There are special programs to improve life and thinking skills in interpersonal communication. The individual's depression score, anxiety score, and classical intelligence score are measured to create a "personality profile" At different levels of training, skill development is achieved through methods such as psychodrama, group therapy, EMDR, REHACOM, and neurobiofeedback (neurotherapy), depending on individual needs. Case studies provided by the participants will be evaluated.

Step 1: Self-Discovery and Awareness

In psychology, self-knowledge and awareness mean acknowledging emotions without letting them control you. Based on initial screening results, individuals are guided to recognize their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, become self-aware, and discover their interests, talents, and values. Personality tests are evaluated to help individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses. Awareness is also created of the personality traits that can and cannot be changed.

Step 2: Understanding Others and Empathy

In psychology, understanding others and empathy is applied through various group therapies such as psychodrama and art therapies based on the needs of the individual. It is about understanding how children, adolescents and adults perceive their environment, the people around them, events, procedures and processes. The goal is to identify and define their expectations, develop realistic expectations of themselves and their environment, understand the perspective of others, develop sensitivity to the feelings of others, and improve their ability to understand others.

Step 3: Communication Skills and Self-Confidence

In psychology, communication skills and self-confidence are trained through various group therapies such as psychodrama and art therapies that are tailored to the needs of the individual. The goal is for children and adolescents to learn and use communication skills, become aware of their feelings and thoughts, express them in a healthy way, use "I" statements, learn to say "no" at the right time and place, which is one of the most important skills for maintaining relationships, and learn verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

Step 4: Motivation and Future Planning

In psychology, motivation and planning for the future are about enabling individuals to work toward their goals, develop a balance between rights and responsibilities, focus on the goal, direct their attention to the goal, exhibit less impulsive behavior, exercise more self-control, develop strategies to achieve the goal, identify important values for themselves, distinguish between abstract and concrete goals, and determine their own future plans. The goal is to gain the ability to make healthy choices for one's future.

Step 5: Problem-Solving Skills

In psychology, various group therapies such as psychodrama and art therapies are used depending on the individual's needs for problem solving and skills. The goal is to identify stressful situations, develop solution strategies, work on relaxation methods, positive-negative thinking, developing the ability to analyze and understand social relationships, developing positive relationships with peers, improving the ability to compromise in problem situations, better solving relationship problems, teaching sociability, adaptability, sharing, cooperation and democracy in relationships.

Step 6: Anger, Stress, and Time Management

In psychology, skills for dealing with anger, stress, and time are developed to remain calm under stress. Individual or group psychotherapy methods are used depending on the needs of the individual. The goal is to recognize stress and stress reactions, develop methods of coping with stress, gain knowledge of the "fight or flight" response", gain experience in managing stressful situations through role-playing, and develop the ability to use time effectively, efficiently, and purposefully, as well as understand the benefits of positive thinking in stressful situations.

Step 7: Relationship Management

In psychology, relationship management aims to train social emotions to understand the other person in social relationships, to be tolerant even when there are different opinions, to be lenient in dealing with mistakes, and to develop the ability to manage relationships. Basic skills in kindness, cooperation, forgiveness, tolerance, and relationship management are taught. The goal is to teach the person to enjoy working with others to achieve common goals, understand the importance of kindness and cooperation, and develop an awareness of how to live together. Emphasis is placed on helping diverse personalities work toward a common goal and develop an awareness of living together.
Step 8: Perseverance

In psychology, endurance involves developing the ability to control impulses, implement decisions, be patient, and work on active patience and patience as a meditative action. Patience is worked on while being in motion. The goal is to develop the ability to not give up on a decided task or duty and to work to continue and sustain the task. The emphasis is on the ability to move toward the goal despite obstacles.

Step 9: Principles of Healthy Decision Making

In psychology, the principles of healthy decision making include developing the ability to consider not only one's own feelings but also the feelings of others when making decisions. The ability to act fairly in decision making is also considered. Skills such as strategic thinking, categorical thinking, the ability to switch categories, the ability to motivate oneself, goal-directed behavior, sequencing, and resistance to distractions are practiced.

Step 10: Compromise Skills

In psychology, the ability to compromise includes the ability to consider fairness and democratic processes and to avoid authoritarian and totalitarian attitudes. The importance of fair sharing, the talent-enhancing effects of freedom, defining the situation causing conflict, identifying the wants and needs of both sides, developing proposals taking into account the needs of both sides, selecting a solution that is appropriate for both sides and determining who will do what in the chosen solution, and division of labor are the goals of developing the ability to compromise. The emphasis is on thinking in terms of solutions rather than problems. Finally, the situation is evaluated using the "Emotional Intelligence Scale" developed by us. Upon request, the participant will receive a certificate. The Emotional Intelligence Program can also be conducted in schools upon request.

What are the Branches of Psychology?

Psychology has multiple different branches. Some of the main branches of psychology can be listed as follows:

Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology tracks the mental and physical developmental processes of people at different ages. It examines, among other things, how a person uses his sense organs, how he thinks, and when and how he acquires the ability to speak. Development is not uniform, but is regular, harmonious, and continuous. Learning a language, for example, is a process. At the end of this process, speaking according to the rules of grammar and pronouncing words such as mother, father, flower and insect are indicators of development.

Quantitative Psychology

Quantitative psychology involves conducting various research studies and applying statistical and numerical sampling. It includes tests and various devices to determine human abilities. In addition, it is a branch of psychology that observes and explains behavioral phenomena by using statistical methods to establish statistical facts that are useful for future studies. The goal is to obtain detailed information about observed phenomena and individuals, to develop ideas for future research, and to test a researcher's intuition about a particular outcome.

Psikometrik Psychology

Psychometrics is a branch of science concerned with the testing and analysis of human behavior, the adaptation of numerical data to psychology, and the development of statistical forms that can be used to explain and interpret the causes of behavior. Another name for it is psychometric psychology. It is a branch of psychology that includes all aspects of a person's personal characteristics, intelligence, and actions, as well as the technique of evaluating them. This science, which is important for human life, develops measurement methods for psychologists who work in hospitals, clinics, research and counseling centers, and schools. In applying these tests, they use steps such as research, testing, measurement, and documentation and determine the reliability of these methods.

What is Human Psychology?

Human psychology studies the actions and mental processes of individuals and the reasons underlying them. People react differently to events that happen around them, and the reason for the different emotional and physical reactions, even when the conditions are the same, lies in the psychological constitution of the person. A person's behavior is directly related to his or her mental condition. Therefore, it is normal for people with poor mental constitution to exhibit behavioral disorders. For example, people with poor mental health may overreact to situations or have no reaction at all compared to people with good mental health. People with poor mental health should be shown understanding and referred to mental health treatment. Human psychology is subject to a mental process. Although there are common actions of people, they show their feelings in different ways. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of a person and not forget that the different reactions may have psychological causes.

What are the application areas of psychology?

The fields of application of psychology, which studies and investigates humans and animals through observation, are composed of several different areas. These areas of application are as follows.

Environmental Psychology

Environmental psychology is the scientific discipline that studies the interaction between the physical environment and human behavior, including the influences of the environment on the individual and the effects of the individual on the environment. In this two-way interaction, individuals modify their environment, while their actions and experiences may also be shaped and influenced by the environment.

Traffic Psychology

Traffic psychology is a branch of applied psychology that deals with the psychological reasons for the behavior of drivers and pedestrians in traffic. Its main goal is to reduce the number of traffic accidents and minimize the number of fatalities caused by these accidents.

Health Psychology

Health psychology is a field that uses the knowledge and methods of psychology to study such topics as how individuals cope with illness, their reactions to pain, and methods of following medical advice.

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology constitutes the field in which the data contained in theory are put into practice in the science of clinical psychology. It is a field that aims to improve people through psychotherapy, psychological measurement, or other psychological means. Clinical psychologists strive to uncover the biological, psychological, behavioral, and sociological aspects of individuals.

Counseling Psychology

Counseling psychology is an applied branch of psychology that aims to help people live more effectively and consciously. It deals with personal problems, inner behavior patterns, disappointments, anxiety, and emotional turmoil and aims to help people overcome these problems themselves.

Forensic Psychology

Forensic psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the examination, collection, decision-making, and presentation of psychological evidence in the legal system. Individuals who become experts in this field assist the appropriate authorities. Those trained in this field may work in such institutions as the Department of Justice, forensic institutes, correctional facilities, prisons, and legal institutions.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Industrial/organizational psychology is a branch of psychology. In general, psychology studies the causes of behavior and the processes that lead to behavior.

Thus, psychology is concerned not only with the actions of individuals, but also with the behavior of other living beings. Industrial/organizational psychology is a branch of psychology. In general, psychology studies the causes of behavior and the processes that lead to behavior. Industrial psychologists are individuals who have received specialized training in the field of industrial/organizational psychology. Industrial psychologists aim to identify and analyze problems that occur in organizations, solve these problems, and help people.

Educational psychology

Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the educational processes of individuals, observes how individuals learn, and includes the areas of education that contain the person's developed abilities and the education given to support those abilities.

The goal of educational psychology is to help individuals achieve the highest level of success in their areas of talent. Educational psychology is concerned with how psychological methods can be used to study the education of individuals. It seeks to contribute to education by conducting detailed studies in specific areas.

Sport Psychology

Sport psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological/mental factors that affect a person's performance in sport and exercise and uses the results to improve personal and team performance. One of the most commonly used methods in sport psychology is relaxation techniques. Through relaxation, athletes learn to relax their minds and reduce the stress that can occur under competitive conditions and affect their coordination and performance, and they learn to focus on the game.

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