Intensive Care Unit

In Neuropsychiatric Intensive Care Unit of NPiSTANBUL, patients are being monitored to prevent them from harming themselves or others and they are kept under observation so that staff can intervene during emergency situations when necessary.

A special antibacterial hepafilter is also presented in this unit.

Intensive Care Unit

16-bed intensive care unit can fully service up to Level 3 to all intensive care patients.

Therapeutic Beds: All beds in NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital intensive care unit are automatic and therapeutical. In this respect, nurses are able to fulfill many of the tasks on these beds in regards to patient care.

Information Security: A technological system is installed to preserve the patient’s privacy by protecting the patient’s information in software and hardware. Everyone who has access to the system, is able to access the information when entered to the system. However, unauthorized access to the operating room is impossible.

Smart Building Concept: Entrance and exit to your hospital, inventory control, fire detection system is designed with intelligent building concept. Keys are not used in psychiatry floors. All rooms are equipped with a card system and can be entered with authorization. All buildings have IP TV system and HD camera security system installed.

Drug Management System: Thanks to the drug management system we are practicing, unauthorized people cannot procure medicines. With this system, drugs are provided on time and accurately.


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