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What is stuttering?


It can be defined as an interruption of the natural flow of speech or involuntary disruptions observed in the fluency of speech. Fluency disorders are observed in the way that the person prolongs the sounds while speaking, has difficulty producing some sounds, repeats a sound or syllable.


When does stuttering occur?


Stuttering occurs in the early years of language and speech development, mainly at age 2-5. Five out of every 100 children have early stuttering symptoms. 68-80% of children with these symptoms can overcome this problem on their own. In the rest, the problem can last until later ages and can turn into a speech disorder called stubborn stuttering. However, the most important problem here is that it is not known for sure which child will recover spontaneously. In addition, there are signs that stuttering behavior can improve spontaneously within 12-24 months of emergence, but if it continues after the first six months, the likelihood of unsupportive recovery is very low.


What are the causes of stuttering?


Although the causes of stuttering are not yet fully understood, different researchers suggest different opinions on this subject. Although the reasons are not fully explained, it is thought that the individual has difficulty working the muscles that should be used during speech incoordination due to some factors. There are indications that this coordination problem may be of genetic and neurological origin.



Is the cause of stuttering psychological?


At one time it was believed to be so. Today, it is thought that the problem is not of psychological origin, but because stuttering increasingly develops different attitudes towards one's speech, it is natural that its psychology is also affected.


What is the prevalence rate of stuttering?

Research shows that the incidence rate of stuttering during a period of life (incidence) is 5% and the prevalence rate (prevalence) in the general population is 1%. In this case, it is possible to say that one percent of our children and young people of educational age are affected by this problem.



Will stuttering go away?

It is not possible to easily say “yes” or “no” to this question. But with one's own will, effort, and the help of a language and speech therapist, stuttering can be controlled. Although early stuttering is likely to go away spontaneously, it should be noted that the risk of the condition becoming chronic (stubborn) stuttering is also quite high.


In addition to the therapist guiding the individual in the management of stuttering cases observed in all age groups, the support of the individual's family-school-social environment is also necessary and important.


What is stuttering therapy?

The management of stuttering is a very complex process and varies according to age groups. For each stuttering individual, you need to determine a therapy plan that is unique to him or her. There are great differences between the methods and the path followed in preschool children and the ways and methods to be followed in later ages. Therefore, each age group should be evaluated in accordance with its own characteristics and the problem should be managed accordingly.


When should she start therapy?

The answer to this question may vary depending on the situation. A language and speech therapist, knowledgeable and experienced in stuttering, after evaluating the problem in detail, recommends the appropriate options. When it comes to early stuttering, it is more helpful to consult and act with a well-informed and experienced language and speech therapist in order to prevent it from becoming chronic (stubborn) stuttering.

Yayınlama Tarihi:
30 Ocak 2021
Güncelleme Tarihi:
02 Eylül 2021